+ + Animal Habitats Animal Habitats Mrs. Sonya Prater
How do animals survive in their habitat? Animal Habitats We are going to learn about animals who live in a specific habitat. Let’s see if we can answer the following question: How do animals survive in their habitat?
Animal Habitats Choose a habitat to research: Fill out your animal sheet. Desert Arctic Rainforest
Animal Habitats Choose an animal that lives in your habitat: http://www.skyenimals.com/browse_habitat.cgi http://kids.nationalgeographic.com/animals/ http://www.kidsbiology.com/animals-for-children.php Fill out your animal sheet
Animal Habitats Create a flip-book using the information you have learned about your animal. An example has been provided for you at your table.
Animal Habitats Use the following rubric to make sure you have completed all tasks: My Rubric