Integrated Behavioral Health Care: County DMH and Primary Care Collaboration Sponsored by: the California Institute for Mental Health (CIMH) the California Mental Health Directors Association (CMHDA) and the Integrated Behavioral Health Project (IBHP)
SHASTA COUNTY MODEL FOR INTEGRATED HEALTHCARE Doreen Bradshaw, Executive Director, Shasta Consortium of Community Health Centers – Primary Care Clinics 101: A Brief Introduction Ray Hamby, Rural Healthcare Consultant – Primary Care Clinic Funding Sources and Financial Operations Marta McKenzie, Director, Shasta County Health and Human Services Agency and Mark Montgomery, Director, Shasta County Mental Health Services – How and Why County Contracts with Primary Care Clinics Were Established
Catherine Camp, Consultant and former Director, California Mental Health Directors Association - Constructing agreements between the County and the Primary Care Clinics: The Devil is in the Details Lynn Dorroh, Executive Director, Hill Country Community Health Clinic – Putting the County Agreement Into Practice: How It’s Working Out at the Service Delivery Level Moderator: Mary Rainwater, Director, IBHP
CONTACT INFORMATION: Doreen Bradshaw ; Ray Hamby ; Marta McKenzie - (530) ; Mark Montgomery – (530) ; Catherine Camp - (916) ; Lynn Dorroh ; Mary Rainwater – (323)
TO ASK QUESTIONS OF PRESENTERS: Please hold questions until the end of the presentation.