Rocky Road
Overview for today The quiz What about Ex5? GeoDatabases in 9.2 Digitizing
The quiz Some people did very well on this quiz and some people blew it. So there will be the opportunity to replace your grade. But let’s review it
What about Exercise 5?
Hoist by my own Pitard! Data came from a grad students database Looked good to me so I gave it to you Was Junk! Sorry! The ESRI book on 9.2 is VERY dense ArcGIS help is not much help So here are some basic rules…
GDBs are VERY complex You can put any kind of data into a GDB –Any type (tables, FC, grids, images, etc.) –Any spatial reference BUT! –Data that goes into a FDS has to be in the same spatial reference parameters (Projection) –Luckily importing data into a FDS will automatically project it –Why? Because of Topology!
Bottom Line… Based on ESRI’s presentation at the NYSGISCONF… GIS is getting more a more complex and much of it will be done by IT folks You will get data from a server –You can do analysis –You may be able to create data (analysis does) –You may or may not be able to edit data So the emphasis on this course has to be on USING THE DATA – ANALYSIS AND MAPPING.