Federated Identity Management How do we proceed? Bob Jones, CERN
How to relate with other actors/projects: ESFRI cluster projects: – BioMedBridges, CRISP, DASISH, ENVRI E-infrastructure projects – EGI, EUDAT, GEANT, PRACE Policy bodies – IGTF, global data initiatives, etc. Do we need a name and web presence? – FIM4R – Fed Id Mgmt for research Bob Jones (CERN) – June 2012
Bob Jones (CERN) - April 2012 Authors: Daan Broeder, Bob Jones, David Kelsey, Philip Kershaw, Stefan Lüders, Andrew Lyall, Tommi Nyrönen, Romain Wartel, Heinz J Weyer CRISP ENVRI BioMed Bridges DASISH CRISP
Working with Terena & NRENs Welcome response to FIM paper from Terena (Sept‘12) Willing to validate & prioritise requirements Contribute input for GEANT3+ project proposal with the focus of improving eduGAIN and linked to the pursuit of the pilot projects – What common use case(s) could we identify? Bob Jones (CERN) – June 2012
Fed Id Mgmt Workshops Federated Identity Management workshops already held: – June 2011, CERN (High Energy Physics) – November 2011, RAL (Climate Science) – February 2012, Taipei (Asian input) – June 2012, Nijmegen (Social Sciences & Humanities) Bob Jones (CERN) – June 2012 Offer by Photon/Neutron facilities community to host a FIM workshop Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Switzerland March 2013 Other research communities – Life sciences Other regions – North America