A Standard Based Report Card reports student progress towards meeting State Of Michigan and Lee Elementary grade level learning standards in the areas of content and performance. What is a Standard Based Report Card?
They measure how well a student is doing in relation to grade level standards for a point in time. *Not to the work of other students. The focus of scoring is on what they have actually learned.
It provides parents with clear indicators and expectations in the academic areas. It breaks down academic areas so parents can see their child’s strengths and weaknesses more specifically for a content area.
ACHIEVEMENT KEY 3 Secure 2 Developing 1 Beginning ◦ GRADING GUIDELINE ◦ Applies skill/concept independently. ◦ Shows some understanding; needs assistance. ◦ Shows little understanding of skill/concept.
There is a significant body of research that describes the necessity for schools in the 21 st century to function as learning organizations united by a shared vision of student and staff learning and common values of respect, caring and shared governance practices. Such school communities are learner-centered and committed to continuous improvement. The hallmark of an effective learning organization is that educators are continually learning together in order to create the results they desire. (Richard Dufour, 2006)
Twenty Three Teachers Seven Instructional Technicians Five Title 1 Aides Four Lunchroom Monitors Two Speech Therapists One Social Worker Six additional support staff (Preschool, Latchkey, Childcare, Ell) Two Secretaries Two Cafeteria Staff Members Three Custodians…= OUR TEAM!!!
Benchmark Testing A) Fall B) Winter C) Spring Grade Level Meetings Benchmark…Strategic…Intensive Interventions Monday – Thursday Progress Monitoring
The recommendation of “core text” reading at the Elementary level (3 rd and 4 th grade) should be 60 minutes a day, with a combination of 150 hours per year. —Mike Schmoker
I was most impressed with the RTI progress that Lee had made with that initiative. Everyone was on board and the staff genuinely saw the need for this type of support. The hardest thing to accomplish in RTI is the actual use of data and the progress monitoring to insure robust instruction. That is something many preach, but few actually do. It seemed to me that Lee had embraced the issue of progress monitoring. — Karen Wrona Former Curriculum/Special Education Director
Multisensory Phonics Lesson
Informational Text Reading Passage