Semivariance Significance in the S&P500 Baishi Wu, 4/7/08
Outline Motivation Background Math Data Information Summary Statistics Regressions Appendix
Introduction Want to examine predictive regressions for realized variance by using realized semi-variance as a regressor Test significance of realized semi-variance and realized up- variance by correlation with daily open-close returns Regressions are of the HAR-RV form from Corsi (2003) Semi-variance from Barndorff-Nielsen, Kinnebrock, and Shephard (2008)
Equations Realized Volatility (RV) Bipower Variance (BV)
Equations Realized Semivariance (RS) Realized upVariance (upRV) upRV = RV - RS Bipower Downard Variance (BPDV)
Equations Daily open to close returns (r i ) r i = log(price close ) – log(price open ) The daily open to close returns are correlated with the RV, upRV, and RS to determine whether market volatility is dependent on direction This statistic is also squared to determine if the size of the open to close price shift correlates with the magnitude of realized volatility
Equations Heterogenous Auto-Regressive Realized Volatility (HAR-RV) from Corsi, 2003: Multi-period normalized realized variation is defined as the average of one-period measures. The model is using rough daily, weekly, monthly periods.
Equations Extensions of HAR-RV Created different regressions using lagged RS and lagged upRV in predicting RV creating HAR-RS and HAR-upRV Compared to original HAR-RV model Created combined regressions of a combination of both RS and upRV to predict RV using HAR-RS-upRV
Equations Tri-Power Quarticity Relative Jump
Equations Max Version z-Statistic (Tri-Power) The max version Tri-Power z-Statistic is used to measure jumps in the data in this case Take one sided significance at.999 level, or z = 3.09
Data Preparation Collected at five minute intervals S&P 500 Data Set 1985 to late 2007 (5751 Observations) – Included large spike in RV/BV, less sampling days in this data set 1990 to late 2007 (4487 Observations) – Largely influenced by upward trend of S&P 500 in the 1990s 2000 to late 2007 (1959 Observations) – Possibly examines a period of the greatest market volatility Chose different sample lengths in order to test the consistency in correlations and regressions
Data Preparation S&P500,
Summary Statistics Mean (x 1e -4 ) StdMean (x 1e -4 ) StdMean (x 1e - 4) Std riri ri2ri RV upRV RS BV BPDV Numbers are similar except for daily returns
Correlation Semi-variance correlates the highest with squared daily returns; is this indicative of higher volatility in a down market? Realized up-variance is not higher than Realized Variance S&P500,
Correlation This segment has the lowest correlation of semi-variance with realized up-variance Semi-variance does not have a higher correlation with squared daily returns than either RV or upRV S&P500,
Correlation S&P500, Only segment where daily squared returns are positively correlated (though slightly) with daily returns
Correlation Summary Anticipate positive correlations of realized up-variance with daily returns, negative correlations of semi-variance Both semi-variance statistics ought to have a higher correlation with the daily returns than the realized variance (found untrue in dataset) Expected to see a higher correlation with semi-variance and daily squared returns in order to indicate higher volatility in a down market (not the case) Bipower Downward Variation is a combination of Bipower Variation and Semivariance; correlates very negatively with daily returns (why?)
HAR-RV R 2 = Monthly regressor not significant, very low correlation S&P500,
HAR-RV R 2 = Daily lag not significant S&P500,
HAR-RV R 2 = Daily, monthly not significant S&P500,
HAR-RS R 2 = Weekly lag very insignificant, monthly lag also insignificant S&P500,
HAR-RS R 2 = Daily lag not significant S&P500,
HAR-RS R 2 = Daily, monthly not significant S&P500,
HAR-upRV R 2 = Very low R 2 value, monthly regressor very insignificant, daily insignificant S&P500,
HAR-upRV R 2 = Daily insignificant S&P500,
HAR-upRV R 2 = Daily, weekly (slightly) insignificant S&P500,
Normal Regressions Summary Low R 2 coefficient in S&P 500 dataset seems largely caused by the realized up-variance. This is also the only dataset that has the R 2 value of the RV greater than the average of its parts Observe similar levels of correlation, similar significant variables despite specific statistic (RV, RS, or upRV) Generally there do not seem to be any noticeable trends that are specific to any individual test statistic; the significances of the regressors seem to be a function of the data set and not the test statistic
RV Regressed with RS R 2 = Only monthy lags not significant S&P500,
RV Regressed with RS R 2 = Daily lags are not as significant S&P500,
RV Regressed with RS R 2 = Monthly lags not significant S&P500,
RV Regressed with upRV R 2 = Very low correlation, monthly lags not significant S&P500,
RV Regressed with upRV R 2 = Daily lags not significant S&P500,
RV Regressed with upRV R 2 = Daily and weekly (to a lesser extent) are not significant S&P500,
RV Regressed with RS and upRV R 2 = Both monthly lags in general not significant S&P500,
RV Regressed with RS and upRV R 2 = Semi-variance statistics much more significant than realized up-variance statistics S&P500,
RV Regressed with RS and upRV R 2 = Semi-variance statistics much more significant than realized up-variance statistics S&P500,
Combined Regressors Summary Highest R 2 values were found for the HAR-RS-upRV regression combination of using both the semi-variances and the realized-upvariances (could this be the zeros?) In general, semi-variance is a better predictor of RV than realized up-variance and even RV itself; does this indicate that the down market predicts overall volatility best? (or am I over interpreting the value of R 2 ?) For the combined regression, the semi-variance coefficients were found to be much more significant
Summary Statistics R 2 values HAR-RV HAR-RS HAR-upRV HAR-RV/RS HAR-RV/upRV HAR-RV/RS/upRV
Summary Statistics Test Statistics L1L5L22L1L5L22L1L5L22 HAR-RV HAR-RS HAR-upRV HAR-RV/RS HAR-RV/upRV HAR-RV/RS/upRV HAR-RV/RS/upRV
Appendix Graphs for S&P 500 Data Set Realized Variance and Bipower Variation Z-Scores with Significance Semivariance, Realized upVariance Bipower Variation and Bipower Downward Variation Autocorrelation Plots for Realized Variance Semivariance Realized upVariance
Realized and Bipower Variance S&P500, StatisticValue mean(RV)8.1299e-05 std(RV)1.2352e-04 mean(BV)7.6804e-05 std(BV)1.1303e-04
Z-Scores S&P500, StatisticValue days4509 mean(z) std(z) jump days166 Jump %3.68%
Semivariance, Realized upVariance S&P500, StatisticValue mean(RS)4.0894e-05 std(RS)7.1114e-05 mean(upRV)4.0405e-05 std(upRV)6.3970e-05
Bipower Downward Variation S&P500, StatisticValue mean(BV)7.6804e-05 std(BV)1.1303e-04 mean(BPDV)2.4916e-06 std(BPDV)2.7787e-05
Correlogram – Realized Variance S&P500,
Correlogram – Realized Semivariance S&P500,
Correlogram – Realized upVariance S&P500,