I. Business Call to order Opening with pledges Roll call Introduction of guests Minutes, correspondence Treasurer’s report Reports of committees Old Business New Business Announcements Adjournment
II. Program or Education Demonstrations by members Judging or project lesson Opportunities to learn by doing Guest speakers, films Special tour or group activities
III. Recreation and Refreshments Games, skits, plays, parties, songs, etc. Snacks or Lunch
Examples of 4-H Club Committees Program Membership Recreation Community Service Health Special Events Telephone Refreshments
Start On Time-End On Time! Plan For Listening, Talking, And Doing!
Policies and Procedures Volunteer Application & Screening Enrollments and Re-enrollments WSU Policies and Procedures Handout Club Accounts Handling of funds, Audits (New Treasurer’s Book), Disbanding a club Insurances: Liability, AIL, Vehicle, Release form
Important To Remember…. The 4-H name and emblem are held in trust by the secretary of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The director of Extension in each state authorizes their use. In each county, the Cooperative Extension agent delegates their use to 4-H groups. All uses of the 4-H name and emblem should be consistent with the educational purposes, character-building objectives, and dignity of 4-H. Particular care must be observed in raising funds for 4-H through sale of a commercial article. Leaders should consult with the Extension agent on questions regarding use of the 4-H name and emblem.
Child Protection An Important Aspect of Your Job (handout)
County Wide Items of Interest Scholarships Record Books Fair Preparation & Registrations Working at Merry-go-round Camps, etc Achievement Programs
Learning By Doing 4-H Is… Blue Ribbon Kids!