Landfill Study Board initiated a unique, 2-phase, cross-media study of the state’s MSW landfills and contracted with GeoSyntec Consultants. Phase 1 consists of a cross-media inventory and assessment of MSW landfill environmental performance for the period of 1998 thru Phase 2 consists of an assessment of current regulatory effectiveness in protecting the environment for the short and long terms.
Work Completed Phase 1 Task 1: Checklist of pertinent environmental regulatory requirements was completed and posted on the Board’s Web site on April 11, Task 2: Cross-media inventory of 224 MSW landfills was completed and posted on the Board’s Web site on April 9, 2003.
Work To Be Completed Phase 1 Task 3: Phase 1 Report that summarizes the results of a screening analysis performed on the cross- media inventory of 224 MSW landfills to better understand environmental performance. Phase 2 Task 4: More in-depth look at 40 of the MSW landfills plus 13 additional MSW landfills that closed prior to 1993 to better understand why a landfill is not in compliance and if it is related to current regulation.
Work To Be Completed Phase 2 Task 5: Phase 2 Report that summarizes the results of the more in-depth look at MSW landfills and the role current regulations play with regard to compliance to better understand regulatory effectiveness. Task 6: Evaluation of selected states’ and countries’ MSW landfill regulations and identification of those that could approve California’s program if applied.
Work To Be Completed Phase 2 Task 7: Identification of emerging technologies that could possibly improve the operation of California’s MSW landfills if applied. Task 8: Final Report that summarizes the results of the study and identifies indicators that could be used to track ongoing environmental performance.
Proposed Schedule for Presenting Remaining Tasks to Board DATETASK October 2003Task 3: Phase 1 Report November 2003Task 4: More In-Depth Look November 2003Task 7: Emerging Technologies December 2003Task 6: Other States and Countries February 2004Task 5: Phase 2 Report April 2004Task 8: Final Report