Innovation Presentation template MENARID Knowledge Exchange workshop 24th to 28th of March, Hammamet, Tunisia H. Yahyaoui & M. Ouessar 1
Description of the innovation (1) Name of the innovation Recharge well Location Koutine watershed, Medenine, Tunisia Area concerned by the innovation (in ha) Around 250 km2 2
4 Recharge well
Description of the innovation (2) Partners involved in the innovation CRDA Médenine IRA Médenine (joined later) Number of people impacted by the innovation Around people Financial investments made TND 5
Results and benefits of the innovation (1) Impact on farmers income Indirect (water available for irrigation) Impact on farmers livelihoods Indirect (water provision) Impact on local communities Indirect (water provision) 6
Results and benefits of the innovation (2) Impact on natural resource Recharge of aquifers Other impacts Improvement of groundwater salinity 7
SWOT analysis results Strengths of your organization when the innovation has been implemented Weaknesses of your organization when the innovation has been implemented Opportunities (external factors from the environment) Threats (external factors from the environment) Knowledge of field realities Control of aquifer pumping rates Research and development dedicated programs No prior knowledge of the potential problems No site selection criteria No suitable drilling equipements Engagement/i nterest of high level authorities Interest of irrigators (downstream areas) Increased demands for water resources Low interest (in some cases conflicts) of upstream users / rainfed farmers Technical problems with drillings 8
Recommendations to policy-makers to scale- up the innovation, and to remove constraints 1. Full integration of this technique within the national program/strategy for water resources mobilization 2. Conduct specific research for development program for the improvement of this technique (design, modeling, monitoring, impact assessment, etc.) 3. ‘Export’ this technique to other regions with similar ecological conditions, 4. Train more engineers/technicnas and companies for implementing this tecnique 5. Other 9
Let us discuss it ! Questions, comments and suggestions are welcome! 10