What does it mean to be a “Member” of the Body of Christ? To be a “Member” of the Lord’s Church/Body (Eph.1:22-23) is to be Married to Christ.


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Presentation transcript:

What does it mean to be a “Member” of the Body of Christ? To be a “Member” of the Lord’s Church/Body (Eph.1:22-23) is to be Married to Christ.

Otherwise, it would be wrong to claim His name! But as the “bride of Christ,” one can legitimately wear the name “Christian” (following or belonging to Christ). However, there are some aspects of this “marriage” that must be considered: How does one enter this covenant bond? What are the obligations and responsibilities of it? But as the “bride of Christ,” one can legitimately wear the name “Christian” (following or belonging to Christ). However, there are some aspects of this “marriage” that must be considered: How does one enter this covenant bond? What are the obligations and responsibilities of it?

How do we become “married” to Christ? Ephesian 5:22-27 Christ “gave Himself up”- v.25 We must be willing to do likewise, Lk.14: One cannot be “married” unless self ownership is surrendered, cf. 1Cor.7:4 > 6: He sanctified (set apart, dedicated)- v.26a We must therefore be set apart, 1Pet.2:9-12; and dedicated to His spiritual service, Rom.12:1. He provided cleansing by washing, v.26b So we must become “clean”, Titus 3:5-7 Christ “gave Himself up”- v.25 We must be willing to do likewise, Lk.14: One cannot be “married” unless self ownership is surrendered, cf. 1Cor.7:4 > 6: He sanctified (set apart, dedicated)- v.26a We must therefore be set apart, 1Pet.2:9-12; and dedicated to His spiritual service, Rom.12:1. He provided cleansing by washing, v.26b So we must become “clean”, Titus 3:5-7

As with any marriage, physical or spiritual, blessings & benefits do not come without obligations & responsibilities: > Respect Him as the proper Head, vv Obviously, this requires submission, v.22. But it also requires desire to please, 5:10 > Total Faithfulness, vv.27,31 Unwilling to commit adultery, Rom.7:1-6; 2Tim.4:10; Rev.2:4; 2Pet.2:20-22 > Love Him and His, vv.1-2, We marry into Christ’s family! 4:1-2 > > Respect Him as the proper Head, vv Obviously, this requires submission, v.22. But it also requires desire to please, 5:10 > Total Faithfulness, vv.27,31 Unwilling to commit adultery, Rom.7:1-6; 2Tim.4:10; Rev.2:4; 2Pet.2:20-22 > Love Him and His, vv.1-2, We marry into Christ’s family! 4:1-2 > 15-16

As with any marriage, physical or spiritual, blessings & benefits do not come without obligations & responsibilities: > Say and do things pleasing to Him, vv.9-10 As in 4:17 - 5:21, rather than saying and doing what pleases self. > Be willing to die for Him as He did for us, v.25 Spiritually, as in Gal.2:20 and 6:14. Physically, as in Heb.12:4; Rev.2:10; 1Pet.4:13 > Bear Fruit! vv.24,27 It’s part of the point of marriage! 4:16; Gal.5:22ff Rom.7:4 > Say and do things pleasing to Him, vv.9-10 As in 4:17 - 5:21, rather than saying and doing what pleases self. > Be willing to die for Him as He did for us, v.25 Spiritually, as in Gal.2:20 and 6:14. Physically, as in Heb.12:4; Rev.2:10; 1Pet.4:13 > Bear Fruit! vv.24,27 It’s part of the point of marriage! 4:16; Gal.5:22ff Rom.7:4

Amazing Grace (Sample Worship Song Layout) Are you really “married” to Christ, or just attempting to stay with Him from time to time as suits you in some sort of unsanctified relationship in which you desire all the benefits of marriage without the responsibilities of it? Are you really “married” to Christ, or just attempting to stay with Him from time to time as suits you in some sort of unsanctified relationship in which you desire all the benefits of marriage without the responsibilities of it? Some might call that “living in sin”! I would agree.