The Last Days I Old Testament Points To Acts 2
Isa.2: Last Days – Lord’s House Latter Days Mountain Lord’s House All Nations Ways Law / Word Jerusalem Ac.2:17 Ac.2:30, 36, 38 Ac.2:47 (5:11) Ac.2:5 Ac.2:41; 9:2 Ac.2:42, 22 Ac.2:4-5
Is.2: Lord’s House Dn.2: Last Days–Lord’s Kingdom Latter days, 28 Image (32-33): Gold – Babylon, 38 Silver – Medo-Persia, 39 Bronze – Greece, 39 Iron/Clay – Rome, 40 Mountain, Kingdom, 34-35, 44 Rome Rome: Lk.3:1 Ac.2
Is.2: House; Dn.2: Kingdom; Joel 2: Last Days–Holy Spirit Afterward, 28 Pour out Spirit, 28 Call on name of Lord, 32 Mount Zion, Jerusalem, 32 Acts 2:16-21
notis 15, this is not; 16, this is (Joel 2) 17, in the last days 17, all flesh. Ac.2; Ac.10 17, prophecy, visions, dreams… 18, My Spirit in those days 19-20, signs of judgment: Is.13 21, as long as men are lost
1. Ends of the ages, 1 Co.10:11 Ep.1:10; Mt.28:20; Ga.4:4 Hb.9:26 Old Covenant Jewish / Pagan history New Covenant Christ II Characteristics Of Last Days
2. Apostasy, 1 Tim.4:1 Spirit vs spirits 1 K.22:22-23 Doctrines… Ct. 1:3
3. Perilous times, 2 Tim.3:1-5 Difficult, troublesome times Today: People celebrate sin People oppose righteousness and truth; Christianity is the curse of society Nero’s persecution
4. No further revelation, Hb.1 SonProphets By whom By whom? UsFathers To whom To whom? Last daysPast When When? XMany times; various ways How How? NTOTX
5. Counterfeit doctrines, 1 Jn.2:18 Last hour = NT period (Jn.4:21) If antiChrist means Mt.24:24 “in place of” He is false Christ (rival) “opposition” He opposes Christ (adversary)
6. Counterfeit practices, Jd.18 Mockers = 2 Pt.3:3-4, scoffer (one who ridicules, makes fun of) No God No interest in us Walk (live, behave) in lusts Consequences: eat, drink, be merry… Their only law is pleasure