Data-Based Targeted Intervention for History/Social Science 2011 – 2012
Data-Based Targeted Intervention for History/Social Science View the Data-Based Targeted Intervention in History/Social Science Video. Please note that Middle School is modeled in the video however a similar intervention may be implemented in Senior High School.Data-Based Targeted Intervention in History/Social Science Video
Data-Based Targeted Intervention for History/Social Science Retrieve from MyData your schools appropriate 5 year CST trend data in History/Social Science (Middle School = Grade 8, High School = World History and/or United States History. Remember you will need your LAUSD Single Sign-On to access MyData.MyData
Data-Based Targeted Intervention for History/Social Science Write a proposal for Data-Based Targeted Intervention in History/Social Science for your school site for Your proposal must: identify the group(s) of students that you will target and what method you will use to identify students state when the intervention will take place (e.g., three weeks prior to CST during an advisory period) account for modification of your schools existing schedule if necessary (see Sample Flex Schedule if needed).Sample Flex Schedule
Data-Based Targeted Intervention for History/Social Science Consider any additional resources and/or materials that you will need to successfully implement your plan at your school site.