Oceanside Room February 4, 2016 Workshop: How to Become a Change Agent Bringing Healing and Hope to the Marginalized: The Project Kinship Story
Introducing Project Kinship 1) 2) 3) Bringing Healing & Hope to the Marginalized: The Project Kinship story
Our Story Begins with our Purpose & Passion (P & P’s)
“ No daylight to separate us. Only kinship… Inching ourselves closer to creating a community of kinship such that God might recognize it. Soon we imagine, with God, this circle of compassion. Then we imagine no one standing outside of that circle, moving ourselves closer to the margins so that the margins themselves will be erased. We stand there with those whose dignity has been denied. We locate ourselves with the poor and the powerless and the voiceless. At the edges, we join the easily despised and the readily left out. We stand with the demonized so that the demonizing will stop. We situate ourselves right next to the disposable so that the day will come when we stop throwing people away.” ― GREGORY J. BOYLE, TATTOOS ON THE HEART: THE POWER OF BOUNDLESS COMPASSION
Re-entry Landscape Analysis In ,000 released from OC county jails 75% of 61,000 youth incarcerated were for non-violent offenses Mass incarceration costs CA tax payers 10 Billion per year; it costs $ 46,000 to incarcerate one Prevention/Intervention services cost $1300 per person annually Youth in Juvenile justice system show higher rates of adversity and trauma compared to general population
Project Kinship
Surprised by Growth…and Change! In 2014…Project Kinship received $25,000 to conduct the Landscape Analysis In 2016…Project Kinship now has 7 Staff; 4 Interns, 25 Community Intervention Workers ; 5 School Sites; 2 County Wide Conferences; 4 University Partnerships with UCI, USC, Cal State Fullerton, Cal State Dominguez Hills; and service provision focused on Outreach & Case Management, and Clinical Services
-- Father Greg Boyle, Homeboy Industries Souls feel their worth, refusing to forget that we belong to each other. No bullet can pierce this.
Wheel of Change
PURPOSE: WHY we want to make change is critical INTENTION: Unclear intent will not lead to change INSIGHT: What beliefs do we hold that block change? How do we shift them? SELF-COMPASSION: Change is slow and hard; when we get impatient with ourselves, or demoralized on the process, we can give up. SELF-RESPONSIBILITY: Tied closely to insight, holding yourself accountable to your goals helps you face both internal and external obstacles.
Wheel of Change GOALS: Once you have clear intentions, turn them into goals. COMMITMENTS: Only make commitments you can keep; so keep them small and manageable to facilitate success, as success sustains motivation and builds confidence. PRACTICES: Change requires the conscious repetition of new behaviors…until they too become habit. FEEDBACK: Provide yourself regular feedback and track progress SUPPORT: Don’t do it alone – mobilizing support networks, utilizing training and coaches helps shape new habits
Wheel of Change ACTIVITIES: What activities support or inhibit your goals? SCHEDULE: Are you in control of your calendar? Or does it control you? Set the pace. RELATIONSHIPS: Invest more (or less) in the relationships that support the changes you seek to make. PROCESSES: What processes are in place in your life that may undermine the changes you seek? Make new ones. TOOLS: Do you have the resources you need to make the changes you wish?
Personal Change Plan Change starts close to home…
Table Discussion Bringing Healing and Hope to the Marginalized: The Project Kinship Story 1) Which “system” will be hardest for you, personally, to address? 2) How would you translate this process into your own organization to effect change?
Reflection and Conclusion