OP(CMC HR workshop)-06Oct04-JA-ja-MUM Electrical & Electronics Division (EBG) 2 EBG-HR I constantly keep giving feedback to my subordinate, so why go through this formality of discussion ? FAQs …?..?..?… Purpose of this discussion is to listen to the sub-ordinate’s perspective and to provide him / her appropriate feedback. This requires a formal setting, as relevant issues may not be discussed in day to day interactions.
OP(CMC HR workshop)-06Oct04-JA-ja-MUM Electrical & Electronics Division (EBG) 3 EBG-HR What is the ideal time duration for this discussion ? FAQs …?..?..?… As such there is no ideal time duration. The duration would vary from case to case depending on the issues involved. Considering the number of issues to be discussed, it would be ideal to block 40 – 45 minutes for this discussion.
OP(CMC HR workshop)-06Oct04-JA-ja-MUM Electrical & Electronics Division (EBG) 4 EBG-HR How should the immediate superior handle a difficult sub-ordinate ? FAQs …?..?..?… Before giving seriously adverse feedback, discuss it with your immediate superior Recognize and acknowledge the individual’s emotions. Deal with the problem and not the person. Focus on Expected v/s Actual performance. Let the discussion be fact-based. Do not allow it to develop into a heated argument.
OP(CMC HR workshop)-06Oct04-JA-ja-MUM Electrical & Electronics Division (EBG) 5 EBG-HR What should be done in case the discussion gets heated ? FAQs …?..?..?… Do not continue the discussion if it gets heated. End up such discussion & reschedule.
OP(CMC HR workshop)-06Oct04-JA-ja-MUM Electrical & Electronics Division (EBG) 6 EBG-HR Is the location important for conducting the discussion ? FAQs …?..?..?… It can be conducted in any place, which allows the two of you to sit and talk without distractions.
OP(CMC HR workshop)-06Oct04-JA-ja-MUM Electrical & Electronics Division (EBG) 7 EBG-HR Should the immediate superior discuss the MVG Rating & promotion recommendation with the sub-ordinate ? FAQs …?..?..?… No. The MVG rating & promotion recommendations should not be discussed because …. MVG Ratings & promotions are not decided at this stage of discussion. They are decided collectively by the senior panel members based on the employee’s relative performance w.r.t. a larger group and promotions based on potential, and existing opportunities for growth. Instead, the inputs from the discussion may be used in arriving at a balanced view of the individual’s performance. And also IS can better forecast subordinates’ rating on the scale of 1-8.
OP(CMC HR workshop)-06Oct04-JA-ja-MUM Electrical & Electronics Division (EBG) 8 EBG-HR Should the immediate superior give feedback on poor performance? FAQs …?..?..?… Yes, feedback on poor performance should be given. But, also ensure that the feedback is meaningful so that it helps the sub-ordinate to improve on his / her performance. Counsel him / her well & offer whatever support is possible.
OP(CMC HR workshop)-06Oct04-JA-ja-MUM Electrical & Electronics Division (EBG) 9 EBG-HR Should performance & developmental plan for the next year be set during the discussion? FAQs …?..?..?… Yes, please do so. One should discuss the targets as well as developmental inputs desired for the next year. Try & Stretch subordinate’s ability to take up higher targets which will help him grow & rated better on achievement. It can be reviewed in case of any changes later on.
OP(CMC HR workshop)-06Oct04-JA-ja-MUM Electrical & Electronics Division (EBG) 10 EBG-HR To what extent should one commit in the performance review discussion? FAQs …?..?..?… Basic Rule: Avoid Over-commitment. Commit for whatever is directly under your control. Facilitate to address the issue with the concerned departments.
OP(CMC HR workshop)-06Oct04-JA-ja-MUM Electrical & Electronics Division (EBG) 11 EBG-HR As an appraisee, what’s my role? FAQs …?..?..?… Please go for discussion with all the data related to your performance Be open to receive feedback from your senior Share the factors limiting your performance. Set higher targets for yourself. Express the support required to help you perform better.
OP(CMC HR workshop)-06Oct04-JA-ja-MUM Electrical & Electronics Division (EBG) 12 EBG-HR Certain Do’s Prepare for the discussion Consider performance for the entire review period. Have a clear understanding of the expected performance. Compare actual performance with expected performance Highlight & appreciate the good work done. Allocate a separate room, time & date for the discussion. Be objective. Actively listen to the Appraisee. Prepare notes while discussion. It helps to capture information at the right time Seek for feedback on how performance can be enhanced Prepare action plan
OP(CMC HR workshop)-06Oct04-JA-ja-MUM Electrical & Electronics Division (EBG) 13 EBG-HR Certain Don’ts Just say that “You are doing right / wrong” (Justify) Lose focus of the meeting Allow disturbances during discussion Hold back information Be too lenient or too strict. Also, don’t be rigid. Go with predetermined frame of mind for discussion Hesitate to seek feedback Discuss impromptu Do the discussion with an attitude of: “I’m Okay, you are not okay” / “I’m not Okay, you are okay” Treat the discussion as a fault-finding exercise Get swayed by recent incidences
OP(CMC HR workshop)-06Oct04-JA-ja-MUM Electrical & Electronics Division (EBG) 14 EBG-HR