Stakeholder participation in evaluation Ranjani.K.Murthy
Objectives (1) why and how important is stakeholders' participation in evaluation? (2) what is the present status of participation of stakeholders in evaluation in India? (3) what are the challenges in getting the participation of stakeholders? (4) What are the ways forward for participation in evaluation?
Gender integration The presentation will examine gender intensified and gender-specific constraints to participation in evaluation and possible solutions
Who are the stakeholders? Marginalized communities and women amongst them Implementing organization Evaluation team Donor Agency
Participation in what? In What Imp. the evaluation InformingValidating Report writing Imp. the recommen- dations TOR
When participation in evaluation? DuringEndBefore
Why participation? PrincipleEfficiencyEffectiveness
Present status of participation With exception, marginalized communities only participate As informants in evaluation With exceptions, implementing agencies have little say in evaluation process and outcome With exceptions, evaluation teams exercise power over implementing agencies, At times donor agencies set agenda and determine what findings are to be highlighted
Challenges in getting participation of marginalized communities Language Written TOR Upper caste domination Time Disruption by men Place Timing Gender hierarchies
Challenges in getting implementing agency participation Language different Funding getting cut Field visits take lot of time Multiple donors at the same time Domination by donor Domination by evaluation team
Challenges in getting participation of evaluation team Gender and caste hierarchy Evaluation team acc. to donors Timings Position hierarchy Cultural differences Time
Way forward: Participation of marginalized communities TOR in local language/ pictures In marg. Separate groups Women and men separately Convenient time and timing De-briefing in local language
Way forward: Participation of implementing agencies corpusconsortium Familiarity with evaluation methods Evaluation as a learning process Local Language Balance field visits with discussions
Way forward: Participation of evaluation team Break hierarchy with donor Break hierarchies-caste and gender Break cultural and language differences
Evaluation truly like to be participatory when Learning process Initiated by implementors Communities have stake in it
Methodologies - Evaluation as a Learning tool Commissioned by imp. NGO TOR evolved by NGO & evaluation team: gender integration Identification of participatory gender aware methods Training of staff in methods in local language Staff go to another staff team area Staff consolidate findings Recommendations lead to actions
Methods used Intra HH interviews GDOL mapping GBAC over Resources Body mapping Access to institutions Happiness mapping
Methods used contd. Goal mapping Focus Group discussions Triangulation with school, ICDS, health worker records
Discerning causality Before-after Member-non member Non member- spouse of member