A Deep Dive into the Mathematics Curriculum District Learning Day August 5, 2015
Stop and Jot Choose one of the following options: Option 1 – Think about the kitchen utensils. Explain how the items ensure your success in creating a delicious meal. Option 2 – Think about the tools in a tool box. Explain how these items helped you on your last project.
Session Objectives Know how to access and utilize district instructional maps and resources how to use district resources to create effective lessons how the CLIP Connections in the instructional maps support the literacy vision for the district Understand the importance of using the resources provided in the district’s mathematics instructional maps to prepare students for College and Career Readiness the importance of using the instructional map to pace and ensure the major work of the grade is taught prior to part one of TNReady Do Explore the key components of the instructional map Facilitate teachers’ use of resources to guide planning and instruction Use CLIP Connections to align cross-curricular integration of literacy
Norms Be present and engaged Be respectful Monitor “air time” Stay focused on students Honor the trust- Ideas are being shared for feedback and improvement, not for sharing outside the group
Agenda Setting Math Classroom Expectations Diving Into the Instructional Maps Navigating the Curriculum and Instruction Website
Setting Mathematics Classroom Expectations What should you expect to see in a math classroom?
Setting Math Classroom Expectations Principles to Action – Ensuring Mathematical Success for All – Conditions to support effective teaching.
Mathematical Practices #1 Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them #2 Reason abstractly and quantitatively #3 Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others #4 Model with mathematics #5 Use appropriate tools strategically #6 Attend to precision #7 Look for and make use of structure #8 Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning
Setting Math Classroom Expectations Review First Week Plans Think about the following questions as you review: – What routines are found in the first week plan? – How do these routines support the Mathematical Practices? – How will these routines create a culture of problem solving in the math classroom?
Diving into the Instructional Map What is included in the Instructional Map?
Activity Look at the instructional map. Chart what you notice and what you wonder about. Be creative in your display.
Anatomy of the Instructional Maps
Instructional Maps
Resources Toolbox
Navigating the Curriculum and Instruction Website Where are the instructional maps located?
Your Turn Instructional Map Activity
Session Objectives Know how to access and utilize district instructional maps and resources how to use district resources to create effective lessons how the CLIP Connections in the instructional maps support the literacy vision for the district Understand the importance of using the resources provided in the district’s mathematics instructional maps to prepare students for College and Career Readiness the importance of using the instructional map to pace and ensure the major work of the grade is taught prior to part one of TNReady Do Explore the key components of the instructional map Facilitate teachers’ use of resources to guide planning and instruction Use CLIP Connections to align cross-curricular integration of literacy
Reflection Return to your session notes: – Which part of the presentation most resonated with you and why? – Which key points should serve as our guide as we continue this work? In pairs or triads, identify one “take away” to include in building-level planning. What feedback can you provide on topics discussed in this meeting? (Help us reflect on our own continuous improvement.)
Next Steps How will we move this work forward?
Next Steps District Learning Day – Standards and Curriculum Framework – Using tasks and modeling PD priorities – 6-12 – Standards and Curriculum Framework – Content Engagement (tasks, problem solving, literacy strategies in the mathematics classroom)
Anticipated Timeline Professional Development Vision: The professional development of the mathematics department will focus on ensuring teachers’ understand the importance of critical thinking and problem solving in a math classroom to promote student success and College and Career Readiness.