1 Organisational Issues Steering Committee changes Regional Support Centres
Organisational Issues, TM Trieste, March Steering Committee Basic Problem: There is a not a clear definition of what JACoW is, what it does or how it achieves its aims. Propose to define JACoW Objectives as: –To publish member conferences’ proceedings on the internet at JACoW.org –To provide support to member conferences by way of tools for event organisation and proceedings production and shared software licenses. –To train editors in the techniques and technologies used.
Organisational Issues, TM Trieste, March Clarifications of roles The objective is to separate the management of JACoW from the implementation and operation. It is proposed to do this in the following way: The work (implementation and operation) is done by the team which is composed of the technical experts The team should report to the steering committee which should be composed of the decision makers of the conference series.
Organisational Issues, TM Trieste, March The JACoW Team Loosely defined but basically: JACoW Chairman, deputies and secretary Regional support managers Webmaster(s) Rolling set of conference editors (past, current and future) Co-opted experts
Organisational Issues, TM Trieste, March Proposed New Composition of Steering Committee No editors – basically just the decision makers and JACoW officials JACoW Chairman and Secretary JACoW Deputy Chairmen and Regional Support Managers Rolling set of Chairmen of Conference Series
Organisational Issues, TM Trieste, March Modus operandi The JACoW Team reports to the steering committee through the JACoW chairman The steering committee approves changes to the organisation and operation of the JACoW collaboration (by simple majority) The steering committee and team should meet independently at least once per year The JACoW Team is responsible for the execution of the tasks which are necessary to meet the objectives of the collaboration
Organisational Issues, TM Trieste, March Unchanged The chairman of JACoW is chosen by the team and approved by the steering committee, for three-year periods Conference series wishing to join the collaboration must accept the boundary conditions Steering committee to approve new members by simple majority
Organisational Issues, TM Trieste, March Additional Articles Deputy chairmen are appointed by the Team for three year periods. Their appointment does not need to be ratified by the Steering Committee. Their role is to assist the chairman in the management of the collaboration. They report to the chairman. Institutes providing regional support centres will be required to guarantee support for an initial three year period and agree to give one year’s notice of the termination of such support.
Organisational Issues, TM Trieste, March Current Terms of Reference The new proposal fits with this, the first part of the current Terms of Reference The rules for conducting the business of the Sites are established by agreement among the Organising Committees of each member series of conferences, through/by the Chairmen of the Scientific Programme Committees. The Organisers of each series undertake to adhere to a set of boundary conditions Changes to JACoW or to its activities have to be approved by a simple majority of the Chairmen of the Scientific Programme Committees for the member conferences. It is the responsibility of the Chairman of JACoW to communicate all proposals for change to the Scientific Programme Committee Chairmen.
Organisational Issues, TM Trieste, March Terms of Reference II Also unchanged Editorial Responsibility The Proceedings of each conference are the responsibility of the Editors or Editorial Board, or a person designated by the Chairman of the Scientific Programme Committee of the relevant conference. Web and Mirror Sites JACoW is located at CERN, with a mirror site in Asia, at KEK. The organisations hosting these sites undertake to provide the necessary hard- and software, backup and maintenance. Rights of Individual Conferences The existence of the JACoW site does not detract from the rights of individual conferences to publish their proceedings on other websites, storage media or hard copies of their choice.
11 Regional Support Centres
Organisational Issues, TM Trieste, March Regional Support Centres Aim to have in each region (Asia, Europe and USA): An Oracle system for the installation of conference databases Oracle support (system tuning and resources) An Oracle webserver Someone giving SPMS support (installing, but not necessarily customising, the conference database)
Organisational Issues, TM Trieste, March Who, where and when ? We need some plans in this direction Discussion and proposals from the floor …