I got to break this habit before it breaks me It’s going to can’t you see I’m clutching my cure which is air I need help but you just don’t care I’ve failed I breathe deep into the heavy fumes My brain falls asleep Blood falls from my nose my head starts to ach I need help I’m starting to breakbreaks me
Young adults and kids know of this fad, but many parents are in the dark about it.
Huffing (sometimes called sniffing, bagging or dusting) Is the deliberate inhalation of toxic gases, vapors or fumes in order to become intoxicated, possibly to the point of unconsciousness.vapors Many huffers will spray aerosol chemicals such as enamel paint or solvents into a paper bag and then inhale the vapors through their noses and mouths.aerosol The 3rd most abused substance by teenagers
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approximately 2 million young people ages 12 to 17 have used an inhalant Approximately 70% who initiated abuse were white 17.6% Latino 7.3% African American Teenagers from higher income families
SHORT TERM EFFECTS LONG TERM EFFECTS Dizziness Nausea/vomiting Delusions Hallucinations Loss of inhibitions Impaired judgment Cardiac arrest Suffocation - due to decreased levels of oxygen Choking - can choke on vomit Brain damage - caused by lack of oxygen to the brain Muscle damage Bone marrow damage - reduces formation of blood cells Cancer - some toxins are carcinogens Other forms of drug abuse
It is NOT HARMLESS FUN!! You can die the 1st, the 10th, or the 100th time you huff. 39% of Huffing related deaths occurred after the users very first time Young adults and kids don't see them as dangerous because they are in their own homes.
Apparent drunkenness Chemical odors from breath, clothing or child's room Clothes soaked with chemicals Hidden empty spray paint or solvent containers Hidden rags soaked with chemicals Irritability, social withdrawal and depression Loss of appetite Nausea and vomiting Paint stains on the hands, face and clothes Red or runny nose Sores and rashes around the mouth and nose.
High School English Instructors can give the students an article on Huffing to test for reading comprehension. Or students could write reports on huffing.
The instructor can discuss Huffing and its affects on the circulatory system. The instructor can also introduce the health statistics and dangers of Huffing to the circulatory and nervous systems.
Students could write their own lyrics or do presentations about bands/movies with huffing undertones. Or, Create their own presentations.
You can incorporate discussions about inhalants in many subjects. Here are just a few ideas. Art (posters, cartoon development, bookmarks, book covers, etc.) Language Arts (Expressing feelings, discussing “bad” things, developing interviewing skills, phone help line conversations, mime, saying no, writing skills) Social Studies (family structure, expressing opinions, data research and graphing) Science (effects of alcohol in the body, ratio and proportions, impact of drugs on the body) Home Economics (Safety issues, toxic substances, poisons) Music (lyric writing, research on musicians and drugs) Physical Education/Health (exercise and the body - healthy lungs, heart, brain, etc.; athletes and drugs)
Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs #1-8 For example, 1.2A: Explain the impact of alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use on brain chemistry, brain function, and other behavior. 5.1A: Use a decision-making process to evaluate how the use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs affects individuals, families, and society
blog.helpforparents.com blog.helpforparents.com For those in the Riverside area mentalhealth.rcmhd.org (riverside area behavioral health) mentalhealth.rcmhd.org National Inhalant Prevention Coalition Number
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