Statistics …a science a way of finding things out
Statistical Data Found almost anywhere Exists in a variety of forms Assists us in making informed decisions when faced with uncertainty and without bias
Definition CollectionOrganizationAnalysis Interpretation of numerical information
Collect Data SamplesExperimentsCensusSimulations
Organize Frequency tables ChartsGraphs
Analyze Center/Shape/Spread/Outliers, Gaps Trends…As x increases, y does something Measures of central tendency Measures of spread Confidence Intervals Hypothesis Tests
Interpretation Assumptions P-value and Alpha level Confidence level Z score T score Written summary
Caution Can lie with our interpretation of statistics Work diligently to use statistics to show the entire picture and the truth…by good intentions and by skill (non-ignorance)
Population All measurements of interest…entire group of those being measured Data from all…
Sample Part of the population Smaller section of those being measured Data from… Random, representative sampling
Random Samples Uh, yeah…NO! Ages of students in Math 102 at Pepp Ages of students on volleyball team Ages of students in Stewart hall dorms Ages of humans passing by Rockwell Academic Center Yesss! Random # Table w complete listing of st #s Calculator with complete list of sts Computer selects 30 from an alphabetical list