North Star Reading and Writing Introductory Level Presented by Miss Jehan Jahin
Unit 4 Strength in Number Theme: Fighting against Crime. Topics: Reading One: Urban Angels. Reading Two: Two Real Angels.
Vocabulary for Comprehension Crime (N): an action that is wrong and that can be punished by the law. Gang (N): a group of young people who makes trouble. Nickname (N): a special name, or short form of your name. –My brother’s nickname is Bob. His real name is Robert.
Vocabulary for Comprehension Positive (Adj): good, helpful, not negative. –She is positive. She has something good to say. Generous (Adj.): willing to give money, help, or time. –She is generous. She gives money and time to people who need help. Support (V): give money, food or help to someone. –Her parents support her. They give her money every month.
Vocabulary for Comprehension Respect (V): to honour, to have a good opinion of. –We have to respect older people. They can teach us a lot. Member (N. P. ):a person who is in a group or organization. –He was a member of the baseball team at school. At-risk (Adj.): may have problems in the future. –Many kids are at-risk. Adults help them to stay out of trouble.
Vocabulary for Comprehension Avoid (v): to stay away from. –All parents want their kids to avoid drugs, gangs,and other troubles. Role Model (N. P. ): people who are good examples for other people to follow. –Some athletes are role models for other people tp follow. Teenager (N. P.): young people from 13 to 19 years old. –Teenagers fight with their parents and younger sisters and brothers.
Vocabulary for Comprehension Urban (Ajd. ): Big-city. –Life in urban areas like New York and Hong Kong is different from life in small towns.
Skills for Expression Pronouns and Possessive Adjectives A Pronoun: a word that takes the place of an noun. –Use: when you don’t want to repeat a noun in a sentence. Urban Angels have many activities. They help the community. Subject Pronouns: They include: I, you, he, she, it, we, and they. – Urban Angels have many activities. –They go on trips to local museums.
Skills for Expression Pronouns and Possessive Adjectives Object Pronouns: –Take the place of an object. Urban Angels like to help people. –Come after verbs –Urban Angels like to help them. prepositions, like “for”, “to” and “from”. –The government helps pay for it.
Skills for Expression Pronouns and Possessive Adjectives Object Pronouns include: –me, you, him, her, it, us and them. –They visited her.
Skills for Expression Pronouns and Possessive Adjectives Possessive Adjectives: –Like Pronouns: They help out in their community. –Show possession/ Ownership. My goal is to be a doctor. –Come before a noun. –She isn’t an Urban Angel. But her friend is. –Include: my, your, his, her, its, our and their.
Style Writing a Personal Letter There are 5 parts in a personal letter: 1. Date: –In the top right corner 2: Greeting: –Begin with “Dear” abd the person’s name. 3: Message: –Write your message in paragraphs.
Style Writing a Personal Letter 4: Closing : – End with “sincerely”, “Best wishes”, “Best regards”, “Love” or something similar. 5: Signature: –Write your name after the closing.