22-Mar-2005 Internet2 Performance Architecture & Technologies Update Jeff W. Boote
Policies and Procedures2005-Mar-22 2 Agenda Tools demo (Rich Carlson) International Measurements (Matt Z.) Advisor Update (John Estabrook) PerfSonar Update (me…) Duplex Mismatch Detection (Rich)
Policies and Procedures2005-Mar-22 3 perfSONAR: Overview Joint effort of ESnet, GÉANT2 JRA1 and Internet2 Webservices network performance framework Network measurement tools Network measurement archives Distributed scheduling/authorization Multi-domain policy
Policies and Procedures2005-Mar-22 4 perfSonar Status Functional Specification Design Document Prototype
Policies and Procedures2005-Mar-22 5 perfSONAR: Progress Work up to early this year focused on a very detailed functional specification Document deliverable for the EU This spring we worked on converting that to a more concrete design specification XML schema defined for message communication Java/Tomcat selected for prototype development
Policies and Procedures2005-Mar-22 6 perfSONAR: Current Work Current work is focused on developing a prototype that will allow interface utilization data to be shared. Relatively simple use case, but will demonstrate the feasibility of sharing data across multiple administrative domains
Policies and Procedures2005-Mar-22 7 Here is who I am, I’d like to access MA B Where Link utilisation along - Path a,b,c,d,e,f? a,b,c: Network A – LS A, c,d,e,f : Network B, MA B, RA B Client Network ANetwork B LS ALS B MA A MA B RA A RA B ab cd e f Where Link utilisation along - Path a,b,c? a,b,c : Network A, MA A, RA A Token MB Here is who I am, I’d like to access MA A Get link utilisation c,d,e,f Here you go Token MA Get Link utilisation a,b,c Here you go Useful graph
Policies and Procedures2005-Mar-22 8 perfSONAR: Prototype Phase 0 Simplistic client which requests data to a MA (RRD filesystem) using web-services (we stand here) Phase 1 (August 05) Include simplistic LS web-services (Static list) Trivial AA – always say yes (need interface) Visualisation Phase 2 Request additional data (OWD, packet drops) Dynamic registration to LS Phase 3 (Dec 05) AA handle attributes for other services Distributed LS data across several domains MP get’s on-demand capability Make use of the attributes to offer different functionalities to the users
Policies and Procedures2005-Mar-22 9 perfSONAR: Lessons Learned (so far…) The “X” in XML is a misnomer unless you are VERY careful. Parsers want the “full” schema definition. If we really want to be extensible in the sense of being able to add new measurement data formats and specifications it is tricky with current tools. (JAXME, jDOM) Need an “incremental” parser. Outer elements need to be understood, but specific data/metadata parsing needs to be deferred to portions of the code that are extensible. Current thinking: Using Axis, but will bypass 90% of the internal parsing in favor of installing our out SAX parser. Possible future: GTK4’s stand-alone web-services/servlet server.
Policies and Procedures2005-Mar Agenda Tools demo (Rich Carlson) International Measurements (Matt Z.) Advisor Update (Jon Estabrook) PerfSonar Update (me…) Duplex Mismatch Detection (Rich)
Policies and Procedures2005-Mar perfSONAR: Services (1) Measurement Point Service (MP) Measurement Archive Service (MA) Look-up Service (LS) Authentication Service (AS) Transformation Service (TS) Topology Service (ToS) Resource Protector Service (RP)
Policies and Procedures2005-Mar perfSONAR: Services (2) Lookup Service Allows the client to discover the existing services and other LS services. Dynamic: services registration themselves to the LS and mention their capabilities, they can also leave or be removed if a service gets down. Authentication Service Internet2 MAT, GN2-JRA5 Authentication functionality for the framework Users can have several roles, the authorisation is done based on the user role. Trust relationship between networks
Policies and Procedures2005-Mar perfSONAR Services (3) Transformation Service Transform the data (aggregation, concatenation, correlation, translation, etc). Topology Service Make the network topology information available to the framework. Find the closest MP, provide topology information for visualisation tools Resource protector Arbitrate the consumption of limited resources.