How to win friends and influence people? CYPN Network Meeting 21 January 2016 Pam Hallam (Chair)
Setting the scene Level of need and reductions in budgets – “The Wedge” – Derby City Council – NHS
Setting the scene Who are the current commissioners of services in Derby and how do they operate? – NHS – Derby City Council – Schools
Setting the scene How do our members provide services currently? Through tendering and procurement Sub contracting model by main NHS provider Integrated Early Help Commissioning Framework Integrated commissioning model Services delivered through independent funding
How can need be met, outcomes improved and CYPN members contribute? What would you like to see happen over the next 12 months? - How we have worked as a network? Where to influence?
What would you like to see happen over the next 12 months? Ways to work differently? How to support local planning? Should we be talking with different funders?
Way forward Feedback and ideas to take forward Next steps Thank you