The Big Bang Theory of Math Tutoring Alan Craig
Math Tipping
start at 50 sec to 1: to 12 sec Why Math is Important
_______________________ What Issues Do You Face in Tutoring Math?
Quick, Calculate How Many Seconds in a Year
Answer: 12
Seek to understand not only what the math problem is but also the students’ understanding of and difficulty with the problem. Quick, Calculate How Many Seconds in a Year
Who’s Math Is It, Anyway?
That’s my math, not your math! Who’s Math Is It, Anyway?
What is the Best Number?
NR=1&feature=endscreen NR=1&feature=endscreen How to Work a Math Problem
Do the Math
(to 2:45) How to Tutor…Not Sheldon teaches Penny physics:
Who’s Smarter?
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Don’t Forget—Friday is Day!
AsA&feature=share&list=PL34BB4A9D A AsA&feature=share&list=PL34BB4A9D A And Finally…