Agenda zPresentations zBusiness communication in the global context
Global communication styles z What do you think about the writer when you read a long memo full of long sentences, some of which would technically be called run-ons?
Global communication styles zWhat’s your reaction to a formal business letter that ends without a clear statement of purpose or request for action?
Global communication styles z How would you feel in a meeting in which there is little discussion and little comment until a senior (and usually older) person speaks and recommends an answer?
Global communication styles zWhat’s your reaction to someone “getting in your face” by standing only inches away while speaking to you?
Intercultural communication z Separate behavior and interpretation
An intercultural communication model zAssess general cultural variables (Education, law and regulation, economics, politics, religion, social norms, languages) zAssess individual cultural variables (Time, space, food, manners, acceptable dress, decision making, verbal and nonverbal communication)
Global communication: STC case z Do NOT write the memo z Instead, make a choice of spokesperson and include at least two reasons for your choice (in outline form) z Also answer these questions: yWhat perceptions about intercultural communication influenced your decision? yWhat perceptions influenced how you would explain your decision to Kim?
Assignment zWork on your collaborative presentation and/or report