NCEXTEND1 Alternate Assessments of: English Language Arts/Reading 3 8, Mathematics 3 8, and Science 5 & 8 English II, Math I, and Biology at Grade 10 Grade 16
Dates to Remember **Remember, students may begin testing prior to the start of the testing window if it is documented as a need in the current IEP**
Test Design Designed for students who have a severe intellectual disability Assessment items measure the content standards specified in the North Carolina Standard Course of Study Extended Content Standards for all assessed content areas Each assessment has 15 items Students are provided up to two opportunities to respond to each item Requires students to complete grade-level, performance-based, multiple-choice items Items are scored on a 0 2 point scale
Eligibility Criteria Eligible Students Have a current IEP Are enrolled in grades 3–8/grade 10/grade 11 according to PowerSchool Are instructed in the North Carolina Extended Content Standards in ALL assessed content areas Have a significant cognitive disability (i.e., exhibit severe and pervasive delays in ALL areas of conceptual, linguistic, and academic development and also in adaptive behavior areas such as communication, daily living skills, and self care) Ineligible Students Are being instructed in ANY OR ALL of the general grade-/course-level content standards of the North Carolina Standard Course of Study Demonstrate delays only in academic achievement Demonstrate delays due primarily to behavioral issues Demonstrate delays only in selected areas of academic achievement If in high school, are pursuing a North Carolina high School diploma (including students enrolled in the Occupational Course of Study)
Testing Time Individually administered to each student No specified testing time – unique to each student depending on needs May be administered in one session, multiple sessions in one day, over several days If student routinely uses Multiple Testing Sessions, document in IEP for scheduling purposes Breaks may be taken at any time, regardless of documentation in IEP All testing materials should remain secure during breaks
Requirements Assessor must: Be an employee of the school system Have training in the content area being assessed Be familiar with the North Carolina extended Content Standards Be the student’s primary teacher for the assessed content area Have routine contact with the student during classroom instruction Proctor must: Be familiar with the student being tested Be age 18 or older and not enrolled as a student in the K 12 public school system Not be a parent or relative of the student being tested
Before Test Day Attend a training session Read and study the Testing Code of Ethics Read and study the sample Assessor Scripts Read and follow test security procedures Prepare the testing environment Prepare students for testing Know what is prohibited in the testing room Understand the limitations on assisting students during the test Know how to recognize and report testing violations and irregularities Prepare for students with disabilities who have testing accommodations Know local testing procedures
Training and Preparation The assessor must review the student data in NC Education for the students with whom they have been matched as the assessor (SEE APPENDIX J p. 56–57) Make adaptations to the NCDPI-provided manipulatives as necessary before conducting the test (in a group setting no more than two weeks before the test administration) For example, –for student response modes (e.g., attaching cards to communication board or switch) –for visual impairments (e.g., enlarging cards, raising lines for drawings) –for substituting objects for manipulative cards (e.g., using an actual ball for a card that says “ball”)
Before Testing: Recording Required Accommodations Assessors must ensure the Review of Accommodations Used During NCEXTEND1 Testing form is completed for each student who will require testing accommodations. One form must be completed per student, per content area. SEE APPENDIX M p
On Test Day: Required Test Materials NCEXTEND1 Alternate Assessment of ELA/Reading 3–8, Mathematics 3–8, and Science 5 & 8 Assessment Guide One Assessor Booklet per student for the assessed content area One manipulative kit per content area One Selection Booklet (English Language Arts only) Writing utensil (Math only) Blank Paper (Math only) Calculator (Math grades 6–8 only) Timing device Counters/objects (not required) NCEXTEND1 Alternate Assessment of English II, Math I, and Biology Grade 10 Assessment Guide One Assessor Booklet per student for the content area assessed One manipulative kit per content area One Selection Booklet (English II only) Writing utensil (Math I only) Blank Paper (Math I only) Calculator (Math I only) Timing device Counters/objects (not required) NCEXTEND1 Alternate Assessment at Grade 11 Assessment Guide One Assessor Booklet per student One manipulative kit One Selection Booklet Writing utensil Blank Paper Calculator Timing device Counters/objects (not required)
On Test Day: Security Verify exact number of test materials upon receipt Follow uniform process of administration Provide for student emergencies and restroom breaks Count and return all test materials at the conclusion of the testing session
Use of Positive Reinforcement to Maintain Engagement Assessors are allowed to use positive reinforcement strategies routinely used during classroom instruction to help maintain student engagement during NCEXTEND1 test administrations. Examples: giving a student a high five, a thumbs up, or using commonly provided phrases (e.g., “Good job”) Must be provided in a consistent manner and must not interfere with the standardization Assessors must not use positive reinforcement to reflect whether a student has provided correct or incorrect responses Assessors may use similar strategies for student redirection as well
After Testing: Recording Required Accommodations Assessors must complete the Review of Accommodations Used During NCEXTEND1 Testing form to indicate whether the accommodations were provided, the student used the accommodations, and any details on use SEE APPENDIX M p
After Testing: Submit Final Data Entry SEE APPENDIX K pp. 58–62 Enter student responses [Must be done under secure conditions in a group setting (3 or more school personnel)] Complete Accommodations Provided (if applicable) Data submission must be completed on the same day the assessment is administered.
General Information Accommodations Approved accommodations— chart on pages 23–24 Braille materials for the NCEXTEND1 alternate assessments and grade 11 are available in contracted Braille. All Braille requests must be made through accommodations information in NC Education. Uncontracted Braille by special request – Accommodation Notification Form. Materials Shipping The Assessor Matching process for NCEXTEND1 students must take place first as materials are not shipped to the LEAs until matching is complete. Grade 11 materials shipping will begin the week of February 22, 2016 Grades 3–8 and 10 shipping begin the week of April 4, 2016.
Helpful Training Resources Released Forms – cextend1http:// cextend1 Training Video on secure data site – Folder