Research and Innovation (Country note, chapter eight, pp )
F.Ježek1 Higher education Research Within the National Research and Innovation Setting : l Czech Republic 1.3 % of GDP on R&D l OECD 2.2 % of GDP on R&D l Hungary, Poland, Slovakia % of GDP on R&D l Of the public expenditure on R&D, a modest 33 % took place within HEI
F.Ježek2 Strengthening the Public Research Funding System 200.: l There are 22 state authorities with R&D budgets 201.: l Institutional x project-specific funding
F.Ježek3 Strengthening the Capacity of HEIs to Operate A National and International Project Funding Environment 204.: l At the institutional level, comprehensive concepts of competitive grant acquisition as quality assurance measures for research, the evaluation of research results, and output oriented incentive systems have not yet been implemented. 205.: l HEIs do not develop their research profiles or strengthen their competitiveness in research and innovation.
F.Ježek4 Building Critical Mass 206.: l reach critical mass l attract international researchers
F.Ježek5 Improving Knowledge Transfer And Partnerships With Business 207.: l Honeywell describes the relationship between public universities and the private sector as “weak, inflexible, and unresponsive”.
F.Ježek6 Policy Recommendations 1. peer review procedures for evaluation 2. evaluation criteria for project-based funding that reward cooperation between firms and researchers 3. reduce the number of granting agencies 4. support quality assurance in research and development 5. support and management of research and innovation at the institutional level 6. flexible academic career model
F.Ježek7 Policy Recommendations 7. FP - key instrument to promote further research excellence in Europe 8. clear strategy towards international co-operation 9. structure follows strategy 10. effective research service offices 11. developing and strengthening an entrepreneurial culture at HEIs 12.Innovation Scouts 13.a strong foundation for Intellectual Property Rights
F.Ježek8 Policy Recommendations 14.adequate legal framework for companies to be able to in-licence results from publicly funded research 15.institutional and regional critical mass (excellence rather than regional balancing) 16.regional clusters and incubators the research and innovation of HEIs and the Academy of Sciences 18.interdependence between research centres end university-based teaching (agreements, new centres, mergers on the basis of specific institutes)