The 7th Framework Programme for Research: Strategy of international cooperation activities Robert Burmanjer Head of Unit, “International Scientific Cooperation Policy” DG RESEARCH, European Commission Monitoring Committee for Euro-Mediterranean Cooperation in RTD, Vienna, June 28-30, 2006
Aim of International CooperationEU research: Aim of International Cooperation in EU research: Support European competitiveness through strategic partnerships with third countries in selected fields of science Address specific problems that third countries face or that have a global character, on the basis of mutual interest and mutual benefit Use S&T cooperation to reinforce the Community’s external relations and other relevant policy areas International Cooperation in FP7 - Aim
FP7 – Specific Programmes Cooperation – Collaborative research People – Human Potential JRC (nuclear) Ideas – Frontier Research Capacities – Research Capacity JRC (non-nuclear) Euratom +
FP7 – Budget Proposal [1][1]Figures for are only for information. FP7 (EC) EUR million Cooperation Ideas7.460 People4.577 Capacities4.193 Non-nuclear actions of the JRCs1.751 TOTAL EC FP7 (EURATOM)
Cooperation – Collaborative research Opening of all themes to third countries Specific International Cooperation actions in themes Early identification of problems in other parts of the world before these affect Europe Cooperation with and in third countries in finding solutions to such problems Dedicated activities within and across themes in order to address existing complexity in third countries
International Cooperation in IDEAS Aim to integrate the Community into the world-wide research community Participation of INCO partner countries to be justified on basis of added scientific value
International Cooperation in PEOPLE International outgoing fellowships International incoming fellowships Partnerships to support exchange of researchers Support of common initiatives between European organizations and countries with S&T agreements Measures to counter the risk of ‘brain drain’ from developing countries/emerging economies
Capacities – International Cooperation Bi-regional Coordination of S&T Cooperation (INCO-NET) Coordination of National INCO Policies and Activities (ERA-NET) Coordination of National INCO Policies and Activities (ERA-NET) Bilateral S&T Cooperation Platforms
Bi-regional Coordination of S&T cooperation (INCO-NET): INCO-NETs are coordination platforms bringing together policy makers and stakeholders of one target region with the EU to establish: A regional policy dialogue in order to identify research areas for mutual benefit and interest and set-up S&T priorities; Implement activities in order to develop, promote and contribute to the participation of the targeted countries in the Framework Programme International Cooperation in CAPACITIES
INCO-NET: regional policy dialogue Regional policy dialogue for mapping research needs and setting S&T cooperation priorities; Strengthening co-ordination and complementarities with activities carried out by means of Community foreign policy instruments; Identification of areas with potential for enhanced co-ordination between and with the Member States, the Associated States and International Cooperation Partner Countries; International Cooperation in CAPACITIES
INCO-NET: Implementation activities Developing, promoting, organising and structuring the participation of third countries in FP; Regional networks building for research centres; Training, awareness actions and dissemination activities; Evaluation and monitoring of ongoing cooperation activities. International Cooperation in CAPACITIES
Bilateral S&T Cooperation Platforms: Better identifying and demonstrating cooperation between Europe and third countries; Improving the process of providing information on programs and funding designed to promote cooperation between Europe and third countries, Sharing best practices using workshops and presenting in particular fields the state of the art and the prospects for cooperation International Cooperation in CAPACITIES
Coordination of national policies and activities on international S&T cooperation (ERA-NET): promote an effective and efficient international scientific EU cooperation strategy at EU level; reinforce the efficiency and impact of the ongoing bilateral S&T cooperation initiatives between Member States and International Cooperation Partner Countries; support the implementation of a “shared vision” by facilitating innovative programmatic approaches.
International Cooperation in CAPACITIES ERA-NET: step up the cooperation and coordination of research programmes concerning third countries or regions carried out at national or regional level in MS and AS; networking of research programmes, towards their mutual opening and the development and implementation of joint activities networking of research programmes, towards their mutual opening and the development and implementation of joint activities ; should cover the International S&T Cooperation with preferably one region (projects targeting one single country or several regions may be allowed for Brazil, China, India or Russia or if the grouping of regions is appropriate to reflect a more global strategy). should not give preference to any thematic area and should be as a consequence entirely dedicated to “horizontal” issues.
Further Information Towards FP7: International Scientific cooperation policy: Thank you for your attention