Underwater Volcano 1:53min The Ring of Fire: Global Impact and Canadian Connection
Plate Tectonics The outermost part of the earth is made up of two layers: lithosphere and asthenosphere. The lithosphere consists of the continental and oceanic crusts of the earth and floats on top of the asthenosphere. It is broken into several plates that move into different directions as indicated on the map below:
Canada is part of the North American plate which moves towards the Pacific plate while both the Eurasian and Indian plates moves towards the same plate. In the theory of plate tectonics, such movement causes earthquakes, volcanoes, mountains, and the formation of new crust. (1:52mins) The following diagram shows you the distribution of volcanoes and earthquakes around the world.
Canadian Connection: British Columbia Geographically, the Juan de Fuca (Oceanic) Plate is pushing towards the North American Plate near south western British Columbia, Washington and Oregon States causing earthquakes around the region. In fact, south western British Columbia has an average of one earthquake each day but they are usually too small to be felt. The famous Mount St. Helen’s is in Washington State. The above diagram clearly indicates that majority of the earthquakes happen along the coast of British Columbia and Yukon. That is a distinct characteristic of the Ring of Fire. When we talk about British Columbia, we think of the mountains, trails, and luscious green forests. British Columbia is not only our link to the Pacific Ring of Fire but also a major softwood product supplier to the rest of Canada and the world
What are the affects that living in a region such as the “ring of fire” have on people? 1:59min Discussion: What emergency services would be critical in these places? How would it effect their building structures? Warning Systems? What effect does this have on how they generate their power (Japan)? Activity: Scavenger Hunt Mr.engel.weebly.com