doc.: IEEE Submission March 2009 Arthur Astrin (Astrin Radio)Slide 1 Project: IEEE P Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: TG6 Closing Report for the Session in March 2009 Date Submitted: March 12, 2009 Source: Arthur Astrin Contact: Arthur Astrin (Astrin Radio) Voice: , Re: TG6 Closing Report for March 2009 Session Abstract: Closing Report for the TG6 Session in March Purpose:To summarize activities during the meeting Notice:This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release:The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and maybe made publicly available by P
doc.: IEEE Submission IEEE TG6 Body Area Network Closing Report 8th Meeting as a Task Group 6 Vancouver, BC March 12, 2009 March 2009 Arthur Astrin (Astrin Radio)Slide 2
doc.: IEEE Submission Heard 17 BAN proposals March 2009 Arthur Astrin (Astrin Radio)Slide 3 1 NICT MAC1 proposal Bin Zhen 2 NICT MAC2 proposal Changle Li 3 NICT PHY1 proposal Igor Dotlic 4 NICT PHY2 proposal Marco Hernandez 5 NICT PHY3 proposal Shinsuke Hara 6 Combined proposal Motorola and Kairos Microsystems Fred Martin 7 France Telecom / CEA / Thales preliminary proposals Jean Schwoerer 8 Preliminary IMEC proposal Guido Dolmans 9 Prelimanary WBAN proposal using IR-UWB Jae Ho Hwang (ETRI) 10 PSSK Proposal for High-data-rate In-body WBAN PHY Cheolhyo Lee (ETRI) 11 Pattern-Based WBAN System with Bridging Mechanism Sana Ullah (Inha Univ) 12 Meiji University Proposal Tesuhi Ikegami 13 Yokohama National University Proposal Ryuji Kohno 14 Elements of an IR-UWB PHY for BANs Olivier Rousseaux 15 Samsung PHY proposal Kiran Bynam 16 Fujitsu proposal Hind Munzer-Chebbo 17 Casuh MAC candidate for WBAN Seung-Moon Ryu
doc.: IEEE Submission March 2009 Arthur Astrin (Astrin Radio)Slide 4 March 2009 Arthur Astrin (Astrin Radio)Slide 4 Session Results Updated TG6 Call for Proposals (CFP) Updated TG6 Comparison Criteria Document Asked for input with dealing with 64 proposals. Proposals in May 4 on server First presenters CSEM, IMEC and Samsung Lottery: May 11, for rest of participants for May and July
doc.: IEEE Submission March 2009 Arthur Astrin (Astrin Radio)Slide 5 Additional Session Results Added one more editor volunteer. Filled a channel model hole. Thanks: NICTA Update from Medical ICT Consortium alliance Update from ETSI EP eHEALTH alliance
doc.: IEEE Submission March 2009 Arthur Astrin (Astrin Radio)Slide 6 Timeline 09 March 2009 Arthur AstrinSlide Issue CFP (Call for Proposals) Close CFP (Call for Proposals) v Hear Proposals >>^ >> Base line ^ >> > Technical editorial team in place ^ Technical Comments Resolution >>>>> Draft ready for Letter Ballot >> Letter Ballot (#1) Recirculation Letter Ballot (#2) Draft ready for Sponsor Ballot Sponsor Ballot Sponsor Ballot Recirculation WG/SEC approval REVCOM approval
doc.: IEEE Submission March 2009 Arthur Astrin (Astrin Radio)Slide 7 Plans for May 2009 meeting Hear proposals Encourage and facilitate mergers
doc.: IEEE Submission March 2009 Arthur Astrin (Astrin Radio)Slide 8 Will have teleconferences when needed Teleconferences
doc.: IEEE Submission March 2009 Arthur Astrin (Astrin Radio)Slide 9 Thank You ! Any Questions ?
doc.: IEEE Submission Purpose of Proposed Standard (PAR ) The purpose of the proposed standard it to provide an international standard for a short range (ie about human body range), low power and highly reliable wireless communication for use in close proximity to, or inside, a human body. Data rates, typically up to 10Mbps, will be offered to satisfy an evolutionary set of entertainment and healthcare services. Current PANs do not meet the medical (proximity to human tissue) and relevant communication regulations for some application environments. They also do not support the combination of reliability (QoS), low power, data rate and noninterference required to broadly address the breadth of body area network applications. March 2009 Arthur Astrin (Astrin Radio)Slide 10
doc.: IEEE Submission Need for the Project (PAR ) There is a need for a standard optimized for ultra low power devices and operation on, in or around the human body to serve a variety of applications including medical and personal entertainment. Examples of the applications served by the proposed standard are: EEG, ECG, EMG, vital signals monitoring (temperature (wearable thermometer), respiratory, wearable heart rate monitor, wearable pulse oximeter, wearable blood pressure monitor, oxygen, pH value, wearable glucose sensor, implanted glucose sensor, cardiac arrhythmia), wireless capsule endoscope (gastrointestinal), wireless capsule for drug delivery, deep brain stimulator, cortical stimulator (visual neuro-stimulator, audio neuro stimulator, Parkinson’s disease, etc…), remote control of medical devices such as pacemaker, actuators, insulin pump, hearing aid (wearable and implanted), retina implants, disability assistance, such as muscle tension sensing and stimulation, wearable weighing scale, fall detection, aiding sport training. This will include body-centric solutions for future wearable computers. In a similar vein, the same technology can provide effective solutions for personal entertainment as well.The existence of a body area network standard will provide opportunities to expand these product features, better healthcare and well being for the users. It will therefore result in economic opportunity for technology component suppliers and equipment manufacturers. March 2009 Arthur Astrin (Astrin Radio)Slide 11