Part #1 of 3
Water Data Flows Bathing Water Directive Drinking Water Directive Urban Waste Water TD Water Framework Directive Floods Directive River water quality Lake water quality Groundwater quality Water quantity * Emissions to water * + biology
Water Data Flows River water quality Lake water quality Groundwater quality Water quantity * Emissions to water * + biology Bathing Water Directive Drinking Water Directive Urban Waste Water TD Water Framework Directive Floods Directive annual
Bathing Water Directive Meeting: WG DIS, Source: Lidija Globevnik European Topic Centre Inland, coastal and marine waters reporting 28 MS deliveries + Albania & Switzerland. Redeliveries until March QC, support & data processing, until March 2014 QC, assessment & country feedback, until May 2014
European bathing water quality in 2013 National bathing water reports (28 EU MS, AL, CH) Meeting: WG DIS, Source: Lidija Globevnik European Topic Centre Inland, coastal and marine waters Bathing Water Directive Products
WISE BWD map viewer interactive/bathing/state-of-bathing- waters-1 interactive/bathing/state-of-bathing- waters-1 WISE BWD Data Viewer status-and-monitoring/state-of-bathing- water/bathing-water-data-viewer status-and-monitoring/state-of-bathing- water/bathing-water-data-viewer Meeting: WG DIS, Source: Lidija Globevnik European Topic Centre Inland, coastal and marine waters Bathing Water Directive Products
Comments to “BWD reference document” prepared by EC consultant Task 3: Reference Document for the monitoring and assessment requirements of the revised Bathing Water Directive; Task 4: An overview and proposed revision of assessment under Directive 2006/7/EC under Revision of the process of preparation of the EU Report on Bathing Water Quality BWD working group meeting in Brussels ETC/ICM attended the meeting and reported on work done and issues encountered Bilateral meeting EC - Portugal - ETC/ICM on , Brussels Meeting: WG DIS, Source: Lidija Globevnik European Topic Centre Inland, coastal and marine waters Bathing Water Directive other reporting Preparation of 2014 data request,
Water Data Flows River water quality Lake water quality Groundwater quality Water quantity * Emissions to water * + biology Bathing Water Directive Drinking Water Directive Urban Waste Water TD Water Framework Directive Floods Directive 2 years
Data request in , pertaining to 2012 data End of reporting period in Croatia invited to participate (voluntarily) in the data request 22 MS submitted their datasets during the reporting period 10 datasets were nearly perfect As of , datasets of CH, NO + all EU MS (minus IT and PL), included in the UWWTD working database Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive Meeting: WG DIS, Source: Petra Ronen European Topic Centre Inland, coastal and marine waters 2013 reporting
Meeting: WG DIS, Source: Petra Ronen European Topic Centre Inland, coastal and marine waters Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive Products 2014 Publication of UWWTD Waterbase when datasets of PL and IT become available UWWTD catchments of Sensitive Areas, v UWWTD data viewer, v UWWTD map viewer, under development to incorporate additional DG ENV requirements.
UWWTD catchments of sensitive areas Updated spatial data submitted in 2013 by CY, FR, HR, IE, IT, SI, UK For other MS, spatial data reported in 2011 was kept. Meeting: WG DIS, Source: Petra Ronen European Topic Centre Inland, coastal and marine waters Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive Products 2014
UWWTD catchments of sensitive areas Spatial data required in-depth topology analysis and data cleaning. UWWTD sensitive rivers, lakes, etc. Spatial data with too many errors, EU spatial dataset not created Meeting: WG DIS, Source: Petra Ronen European Topic Centre Inland, coastal and marine waters Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive Products 2014 Background document
Meeting: WG DIS, Source: Petra Ronen European Topic Centre Inland, coastal and marine waters Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive Products 2014 UWWTD data viewer
UWWTD data viewer Meeting: WG DIS, Source: Petra Ronen European Topic Centre Inland, coastal and marine waters Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive Waste water treatment pathways in agglomerations Products 2014
UWWTD data viewer Meeting: WG DIS, Source: Petra Ronen European Topic Centre Inland, coastal and marine waters Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive Graph: Capacity distribution Products 2014
Water Data Flows River water quality Lake water quality Groundwater quality Water quantity * Emissions to water * + biology Bathing Water Directive Drinking Water Directive Urban Waste Water TD Water Framework Directive Floods Directive 3 years
Data request in , pertaining to 2012 data End of reporting period in Meeting: WG DIS, Source: Jeanette Völker Data specs in the Data Dictionary Guidance document European Topic Centre Inland, coastal and marine waters Drinking Water Directive work plan 2014 Reportnet guidance
Drinking Water Data request Data Dictionary Reportnet Guidance document, technical guidelines water-directive-library/dwd-data-request water-directive-library/dwd-data-request-2014 Meeting: WG DIS, Source: Jeanette Völker European Topic Centre Inland, coastal and marine waters Drinking Water Directive reporting 2014
Technical & thematic support through Quality control of deliveries -> -> DWD Waterbase Meeting: WG DIS, Source: Jeanette Völker European Topic Centre Inland, coastal and marine waters Drinking Water Directive work plan 2015 European drinking water quality in National drinking water reports