04/18/20101 Scottish and English Reformations: John Knox & the English Royals “From the Reformation to the Constitution” Bill Petro your friendly neighborhood historian billpetro.com/v7pc
04/18/20102 Objectives By the end of this session you should be able to Trace the development of Scottish Presbyterianism Discuss causes of the English Reformation Identify how English Royalty affected the Reformation
04/18/20103 Heidelberg Catechism Composed in Heidelberg at the request of Elector Frederick III, who ruled the Palatinate from 1559 to Zacharius Ursinus and Caspar Olevianus were coauthors January 19, 1563 the Elector writes, "with the advice and cooperation of our entire theological faculty in this place, and of all superintendents and distinguished servants of the church" he secured the preparation of the Heidelberg Catechism. Approved by a synod in Heidelberg in January Soon the catechism was divided into fifty-two sections so that it could be explained in preaching each Sunday of the year : The Synod of Dort approved the Heidelberg Catechism
04/18/20104 Heidelberg Castle in its prime
04/18/20105 Heidelberg Castle today
04/18/20106 Heidelberg Castle above city
04/18/20107 Inside Heidelberg Castle
04/18/20108 Reformation Traditions Lutheranism Episcopal Anabaptist Congregational Mennonites English Sep English Baptists } Reformed Presbyterian Scottish Presbyterian Dutch Reformed Lutheran 1517 Luther - Melanchthon French-Swiss 1532 Calvin - Beza German-Swiss 1519 Zwingli - Bullinger Swiss Brethren 1525 Grebel – Manz - Simonsz English 1536 Henry VIII - Cranmer Anglican Episcopal Church of England
04/18/20109 Calvinism Jumps the Channel
04/18/ John Knox Thundering Scot Univ of St. Andrew 1536: Priest Wartime preacher Galley slave Exile in Geneva, Frankfurt Returns to Edinburgh Wrote Scots Confession
04/18/ Thunderous Blasts against Mary 5 personal interviews with Mary Queen of Scots
04/18/ St. Giles Cathedral, Edinburgh
04/18/ Mary Stuart Mary Queen of Scots Henry VII’s Grand-daughter Marries Francis II of France France claims Scotland Mary claims England Knox preaches against Mary Son James VI: –James I of England
04/18/ Why was there an English Reformation? Lollards: Wycliffe’s followers at Oxford Early Humanists: Erasmus, Thomas More Early Reformers: William Tyndale –Tyndale’s was first printed Bible –Wycliffe’s was hand copied Luther’s Writings Henry VIII’s marital problems
04/18/ Henry VIII Second son, after Arthur Clergy, theologian Married Catherine, brother’s wife -- to keep dowry Sonless, annulment? Pope refused
04/18/ Wives of Henry VIII MaryElizabethEdward
04/18/ Henry’s Actions 1532:Submission of the clergy 1534:Act of Supremacy 1536:Closed all monasteries 1539:Six Articles –Nationalized Church –Still Roman Catholic in doctrine
04/18/ Thomas Cranmer Protestant Archbishop of Canterbury Book of Common Prayer
04/18/ Reformed CatholicismHenry VIII 1509
04/18/ Edward VI Boy king 2 Regents Tutored by Henry Bullinger Chaplain: John Knox Married Lady Jane Gray
04/18/ Reformed CatholicismHenry VIII Advanced ProtestantismEdward VI
04/18/ Mary Tudor “Bloody” Mary, 1553 Married Spanish Philip II, enemy of England Restored Papacy Persecuted Englishmen –300 Smithfield martyrs –Marian exiles: Geneva, Frankfurt, Zurich
04/18/ Oxford Martyrs Latimer, Ridley… Cranmer
04/18/ Broad Street Monument
04/18/ Reformed CatholicismHenry VIII Advanced ProtestantismEdward VI Militant CatholicismMary Tudor
04/18/ Elizabeth I Couldn’t be Catholic – illegitimate in Rome Didn’t like Protestantism “Via Media” –Protestant Doctrine –Catholic Rituals Lived long
04/18/ Reformed CatholicismHenry VIII Advanced ProtestantismEdward VI Militant CatholicismMary Tudor AnglicanismElizabeth Rise of Puritanism
04/18/ James I James VI of Scotland Puritans petitioned for change in church government Hampton Court Conference: –Refused –Permitted new Bible translation Reissued Book of Sport – riled the Puritans
04/18/ Charles I Absolute authority Appointed Laud: AB of C –Arminian –Puritan Calvinists reacted Abolished Parliament: Civil War: –Cavaliers - loyalists –Roundheads - Puritans
04/18/ Reformed CatholicismHenry VIII Advanced ProtestantismEdward VI Militant CatholicismMary Tudor AnglicanismElizabeth Enforced James I EpiscopalianismCharles I Tudors | Stuarts
04/18/ Oliver Cromwell Member of Parliament Head Parliamentary Army Lord Protector, Head of State –England –Scotland –Ireland
04/18/ Reformed CatholicismHenry VIII Advanced ProtestantismEdward VI Militant CatholicismMary Tudor AnglicanismElizabeth Enforced James I EpiscopalianismCharles I Transcendent Presbyterian PuritanismIndependent Long Parliament
04/18/ Westminster Assembly Directory of Church Government Westminster Confession Shorter &Longer Catechisms
04/18/ Charles II Restoration of Monarchy Episcopacy returned Puritans were persecuted
04/18/ James II A Catholic Forced to abdicate
04/18/ Reformed CatholicismHenry VIII Advanced ProtestantismEdward VI Militant CatholicismMary Tudor AnglicanismElizabeth Enforced James I EpiscopalianismCharles I Transcendent Presbyterian PuritanismIndependent Enforced Charles II Episcopalianism James II Restoration
04/18/ William & Mary Glorious Revolution Mary: James’ oldest daughter William: Ruler of the Dutch Religious Toleration
04/18/ Reformed CatholicismHenry VIII Advanced ProtestantismEdward VI Militant CatholicismMary Tudor AnglicanismElizabeth Enforced James I EpiscopalianismCharles I Transcendent Presbyterian PuritanismIndependent Enforced Charles II Episcopalianism James II Religious TolerationWilliam & Mary Glorious Revolution Tudors | Stuarts
04/18/ Word Summary Catholic ChurchMerit LutherJustification ZwingliSovereignty AnabaptistsBeliever’s Baptism CalvinOmnipotence ArminiusAbility “Calvinism”TULIP KnoxThundering Henry VIIIMarried