Local Authority Communications Support Jenny Sim
Why? Zero Waste Plan vision: resource use is minimised, most waste is reprocessing, minimal amounts of waste to go to residual waste treatment. Target of 70% recycling and maximum 5% to landfill by Improve the quantity and quality of materials collected by Local Authorities. Waste Scotland Regulations Achieve sustainable behaviour change through increased awareness and understanding of local collection services and facilities and how to access and maximise their use.
Our Offering Food Waste Collections support Service Change support High Density support Low Performance Areas support General Support Branding Support
Food Waste Collections Stage 1:Developing a template communications strategy, generic materials and brand guidance Stage 2: Providing dedicated project management support to particular LAs to support new food waste service.
Service Change Support 1.Project management support 2.Devising a communications strategy 3.Designing communications materials 4.Conducting focus groups 5.PR support
Other Areas High Density- Quantity and quality. Low Performance Areas- Under-served work underway in Glasgow and Dumfries and Galloway. General Support- Online guidance and sharing best practice. Branding Support- Helpline and In-house support.
Questions? Jenny Sim Recycling Industry Engagement Manager Direct