NCSX Strykowsky 1Cost and Schedule Rebaseline April 25, 2005 NCSX Project Re-baseline Review April 25, 2005 Cost and Schedule Ron Strykowsky.


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Presentation transcript:

NCSX Strykowsky 1Cost and Schedule Rebaseline April 25, 2005 NCSX Project Re-baseline Review April 25, 2005 Cost and Schedule Ron Strykowsky

NCSX Strykowsky 2Cost and Schedule Rebaseline April 25, 2005 Overview Project Baseline Cost and Schedule baseline updated Re planned the project to support a flat funding profile of $15.9M –Work scope stretched out –Overhead rates revised –Escalation impact –First plasma July 2009 with 5 months float Estimate-to-complete performed for balance of work scope –Folded in learning from final design of MC,VV as well as MC R&D –Progress and forecast from the VVSA and MCWF production effort –Future challenges identified –Contingency balance re-evaluated –Basis of estimate Single shift/8 hour days except early MC winding effort TF Fabrication by PPPL Modular Coil hardware and component fabrication by industry

NCSX Strykowsky 3Cost and Schedule Rebaseline April 25, 2005 Budget Summary

NCSX Strykowsky 4Cost and Schedule Rebaseline April 25, 2005 Budget Reconciliation Increases Due to Project Stretch-out

NCSX Strykowsky 5Cost and Schedule Rebaseline April 25, 2005 Budget Reconciliation cont. ETC Identified Risks & Opportunities Not Included Not reflected in the rebaseline. Needs further quantification and understanding. To be addressed by contingency.

NCSX Strykowsky 6Cost and Schedule Rebaseline April 25, 2005 Contingency & Risk Assessment Contingency Analysis WBS 12&14 Maintain 10% on balance of VVSA and MCWF contract. WBS 13 TF fabrication risk based upon prelim ETC estimates. FDR scheduled for May05. WBS 18 FP Assy fixturing- Based upon initial vendor contacts. Hardware yet to be designed. WBS 18 & 82 Dimensional control coordination & support WBS 14 Modular coils assy hardware (nuts & bolts & shims) WBS 14 MC Winding Operations Major Drivers of contingency Contingency balance re-assessed

NCSX Strykowsky 7Cost and Schedule Rebaseline April 25, 2005 Funding Plan supports BA guidance with adequate contingency distribution

NCSX Strykowsky 8Cost and Schedule Rebaseline April 25, 2005 Project Schedule Maintained 5 months float 2 winding lines instead of 3 2 shift on the first 9 MC using a third winding team Optimized MCWF deliveries Increased schedule margin in the TF fabrication and FP assy operations Philosophy was to delay low risk operations but start asap and stretch out high risk operations (ie TF fab, FP assy)

NCSX Strykowsky 9Cost and Schedule Rebaseline April 25, 2005 Project Milestones

NCSX Strykowsky 10Cost and Schedule Rebaseline April 25, 2005 Staffing Project Staffing Plan (incl contingency) Technician Staffing (by operation exc contingency) FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 Technicians PPPL Engrs ORNL Engrs Previous baseline Technicians “Relaxed” technician demands Flexibility of moving third winding team between MC and TF coil

NCSX Strykowsky 11Cost and Schedule Rebaseline April 25, 2005 Conclusion Project re-scheduled to meet new BA guidance with adequate schedule float. Budget Increases Consistent with stretchout of schedule Contingency balance and profile adequate to manage future risks Project staffing requirements achievable.