OUT·REACH in Portugal -Spring Meeting 2006 Imperial College, London, 8/04/06 “the use of Detectors to boost HEP in schools” some Maria Abreu, Pedro Abreu, Pedro Assis, Fernando Barão, Paula Bordalo, João Carvalho, José Da Silva, Miguel Ferreira, Amélia Maio, Carlos Marques, Lina Moniz, António Onofre, Dário Passos, Luís Peralta, Mário Pimenta, Gonçalo Pires, João Pires, José Silva, Pedro Silva, João Varela,...
April 8 th, 2006Pedro EPPOG-Meeting Spring’06, Imperial College, London2/21 Summary v Reaching the Schools with Detectors Cosmic Rays detectors network (TRC.pt) building a spark ch.+muon lifetime exp. kit v Reaching the Detectors with Schools the European Masterclasses (in.pt) the CRESCERE Project (in.pt)
April 8 th, 2006Pedro EPPOG-Meeting Spring’06, Imperial College, London3/21 Reaching Schools w/ Detectors! Project “Ciência Viva”, ready to acquire data. Objectives: place cosmic rays detectors in the roofs of high-schools. Promote the outreach of high energy physics through the use of a real detection station, with the help of the teachers and students using it. 10 High Schools in the game at the moment: 8 in the district of Lisboa, 2 in Beja (9 installed) Study of Time Correlations at Large Distances ? Cosmic Rays Telescope Network remainder
April 8 th, 2006Pedro EPPOG-Meeting Spring’06, Imperial College, London4/21 LIP IST E1 E 2 E 3 E 4 E 6 E 5 E7 12 Km E8 BEJA E Km E 10 The Detectors Stations (pt) 6 stations inside Lisboa, 3 in suburbs of Lisboa and 2 in the south centre of the country (Beja) E6 (Amadora) 10 stations in high-schools (E# ), 1 central at IST 12 Km
April 8 th, 2006Pedro EPPOG-Meeting Spring’06, Imperial College, London5/21 Status report v Detectors installed in the roof of 9 schools, incl. Beja !, after 1 year Pedagogical Operation (10 th School stalled for works) v GPS circuit designed, prototype constructed and tested -> already installed in the 9 schools v Few loose ends to tie up with remaining lead plates v Possibility of local definition of shower origin being studied (aim at /2 solid angle resolution) v Readout of time/GPS info implemented in the acquisition, to be tested in the field [at the schools]
April 8 th, 2006Pedro EPPOG-Meeting Spring’06, Imperial College, London6/21 Long Distante Time Correlations Schools in Lisboa and Beja, Plan to repeat/extend the measurement of “Observation of Time Correlations in Cosmic Rays” O. Carrell e M. Martin Dep. Ph. Nuc. Corpusc. Univ. Genebra, Suíça, UGVA-DPNC-1994/1-162 “an excess of quadruple hits, within t=0.62ms, was observed w/ S=4.8 ” Can we set-up an International Collaborative effort towards a scientific goal ? - share data, reports, news alarms…
April 8 th, 2006Pedro EPPOG-Meeting Spring’06, Imperial College, London7/21 Next Workshop soon: 2nd Workshop on Cosmic Rays in Schools Projects Lisboa, September 9 th, 2006 ( Saturday ) Independent from but following the 20 th ECRS – European Cosmic Rays Symposium (Lisboa, ESTeSL, Sept.5 th -8 th ) in which there will be also on Thrusday, April 7 th, a Public Afternoon with Scientists + General Conference CRSP’06: REGISTRATION OPEN !!!
April 8 th, 2006Pedro EPPOG-Meeting Spring’06, Imperial College, London8/21 v EPOG Masterclasses 2006 European wide Masterclasses, following the British famous events Students go 1 day to Universities and analyse data from real experiments. In.pt, real data was from DELPHI - and based on educational package “Hands on CERN” ~100 students in Lisboa (LIP (&IST) + FCUL) ; ~20 students in Coimbra (LIP + FCTUC). Previous Report from students very favorable (M.Kobel, CERN Courier, Oct.2005)! Reach Detectors w/ Schools! CERN BIG EXPERIMENTS
April 8 th, 2006Pedro EPPOG-Meeting Spring’06, Imperial College, London9/21 Reach Detectors w/ Schools 2 ! v The Project CRESCERE (.pt,.it,.ro) Cosmic Rays in the European SChool Environment: a Remote Experiment Portugal participates in CRESCERE with two real experiments (Italy -LNF/INFN with a third ): The Muon Lifetime (FCUL [ Rate of Cosmic Rays on the roof of IST, and other properties (by LIP at IST). [ Experiments are performed remotely Data are collected, analysed and results obtained sites
April 8 th, 2006Pedro EPPOG-Meeting Spring’06, Imperial College, London10/21 v Aims at: The CRESCERE Project Ø Place High School Students & Teachers in close contact with Scientists and Researchers ; Ø Promote the Scientific Culture and experimental practive in the general population and particularly in the scholar population; Ø Propose innovative REAL Experiments, to be performed by students, with the objective of learning the techniques used by Scientists in their daily work; Ø Involve people in the Beauty of Science: Learn by doing it!
April 8 th, 2006Pedro EPPOG-Meeting Spring’06, Imperial College, London11/21 v Interactions with Scientists: +Seminars at Secondary Schools Seminars and visits to the Labs where the experiments are located Preparation of the experiments to be performed (manuals) Reservation of time slots (experiment time) to perform the experiments, doubts sessions, etc +Scientists at the Schools: establish contacts and bridge the gap with the student environment, etc... The CRESCERE Project
April 8 th, 2006Pedro EPPOG-Meeting Spring’06, Imperial College, London12/21 v Example: FCUL (pt) crescere.fc.ul.pt (large acquisition times, though) The CRESCERE Project The Muon’s Lifetime experiment
April 8 th, 2006Pedro EPPOG-Meeting Spring’06, Imperial College, London13/21 ©crescere.fc.ul.pt The CRESCERE Project
April 8 th, 2006Pedro EPPOG-Meeting Spring’06, Imperial College, London14/21 The CRESCERE Project the site
April 8 th, 2006Pedro EPPOG-Meeting Spring’06, Imperial College, London15/21 v +Interactions with Scientists The CRESCERE Project Italian School in a data session Scientists! Student! v data sessions v ~1000 students reached
April 8 th, 2006Pedro EPPOG-Meeting Spring’06, Imperial College, London16/21 The CRESCERE Project Scientists! The data session with the Italian school +telephone
April 8 th, 2006Pedro EPPOG-Meeting Spring’06, Imperial College, London17/21 v Meeting in Madeira! [full day] Organized by Amélia Maio, Jorge Gouveia, FCUL and SPF (w/ Univ. Madeira) Oriented for High-School teachers, and including 3 students presentations + debates v International Meeting in Lisboa! [full day] Organized by LIP and FCUL (w/ “Ciência Viva”) Oriented for the participants of the project 6 Students presentations by It/Pt/Ro schools ~40 It/45 Pt/41 Ro participants +CRESC.team The CRESCERE Project
April 8 th, 2006Pedro EPPOG-Meeting Spring’06, Imperial College, London18/21 Crescere Int’l Meeting, Dec.7 th Audience/2 40 Italians 40 Romenians 45 Portuguese ©A.Gomes
April 8 th, 2006Pedro EPPOG-Meeting Spring’06, Imperial College, London19/21 CONCLUSIONS v Old paradigm of Outreach fully exploited in HEP Seminars, Web sites (w/ Films,etc), Exhibitions Events associated to big Conferences (EPS-HEP’05,...) EPOG forum to discuss ideas, foster common projects but... v What can HEP really offer as NEW in outreach ? Great success with Real Detectors (curiosity explodes)! Integrate School teachers/students in scientific teams! Can´t deploy detectors far away ? Bring Schools to the Lab. (real or virtual)!... +Interaction w/ detectors, +Interaction w/ scientists !
April 8 th, 2006Pedro EPPOG-Meeting Spring’06, Imperial College, London20/21 WHAT NEXT ?! v Cosmic Rays in the European SChool Environment: New Dissemination Objectives CRESCE:NDO for 26 months ( Nov.’06-Dec.’08 )? v Devices built for outreach: Spark Chamber (and possibly Cloud Chamber) Muon lifetime experimental ‘kit’ v Start to take data in the TRC stations Prepare update courses for teachers Collect the data, search for time-correlations… v Public session in ECRS’06 with.pt Schools v Workshop in September ’06 (along ECRS’06) +…
April 8 th, 2006Pedro EPPOG-Meeting Spring’06, Imperial College, London21/21 …Spring’07 in LIP, Lisboa, Portugal Welcomes you with pleasure Dates? April 2007 Easter: 8 th → 20-21? ?
April 8 th, 2006Pedro EPPOG-Meeting Spring’06, Imperial College, London22/21 Pls, Register a.s.a.p.…