Mahmoud Ahmadinejad President of Iran Seminar By Steven Slade
Where is Iran?
The Man from Iran Mahmoud was born in Garmsar near Tehran (the capitol of Iran). Born: October 28, 1956…making him 51 years old. He is married with two sons and one daughter.
Education and Political Rise 1975 he took Iran's national university entrance exams: he ranked 132 nd out of 400, he attended the Iran University of Science and Technology. Went into civil engineering. The Governor in Maku and then in Khoy (early 90’s). He served as the Governor General of Ardabil Province from Elected Mayor of Tehran in 2003, stayed there until Elected the 6 th president of Iran on August 6 th, “It’s possible and we can do it.” - Mahmoud’s campaign motto, 2005
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Presidency 6 th President of Iran Won with 62% of the votes. He received the presidential authorization from Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei on August 3 rd, 2005.
Supreme Leader of Iran Definition of Supreme Leader according to Wikipedia: - “The Supreme Leader is elected by the Assembly of Experts, which is also in charge of overseeing the Supreme Leader, and has the power to dismiss and replace him at any time. As the name indicates, the Supreme Leader is considered as the ultimate head of the Iranian political and governmental establishment, above that of Iran's president. According to the constitution, he has the last say in internal and foreign policies, control of the army Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, and control of state broadcast.” Ayatollah Khamenei (current Supreme Leader of Iran)
Policies of President Ahmadinejad He wants an increase in population of 50 million people (adding to the already 70 million people living in Iran) He got rid of the policy limiting families to just 2 children to accomplish his goal. This is a positive because it is telling the people of Iran they have more liberty. It is a disadvantage because it will make the unemployment rate of 11% even worse. Mahmoud claims that building a nuclear bomb is not the policy of his government. He has said that Iran has no need for nuclear weapons…
A Nuclear Threat?
Nuclear Threat Iran plans on having “peaceful nuclear technology” very soon, according to the president of Iran. This means they plan on using their nuclear technology for domestic purposes. (ex: energy) Even though Mahmoud claims it is “illegal and against our religion” to make nuclear bombs, and that their nuclear program is “peaceful”, Iran has 16 nuclear facilities to date.
Columbia University Speech "Women in Iran enjoy the highest levels of freedom” "If the Holocaust is a reality of our time, a history that occurred, why is there not sufficient research that can approach the topic from different perspectives?" "In Iran, we don't have homosexuals, like in your country."
References jad jad / voa69.cfm?renderforprint=1&pageid=388654http:// 09/ voa69.cfm?renderforprint=1&pageid=