Participative Democracy in Lithuania
Participative Democracy in Lithuania 1. The legal framework for citizens’ information and participation is written in : The Constitution Acts of Parliament 2. Tools for citizens’ participation Right of petition Referendum Local citizens’consultation 3. A changing democracy Weaknesses of the existing tools : Citizens’ disinterest Lack of public places for discussion Projects in perspective : A changing society The Civil Society Institute
The Constitution The Lithuanian Constitution guarantees the citizens: The right to initiate a bill The right to summon a referendum The right to criticize the work of State organizations and their members of staff The right of petition
The Legal framework As for information: Act on the publication procedure and coming into force of legal texts As for participation: 2003 Act on governmental duties
Three Democratic Tools 2.1 Right of petition 2.2 Referendum 2.3 Local consultation
Right of petition Article 33, paragraph 3 of the constitution and 1999 Act To give citizens the freedom of expression
Referendum Article 9 of the constitution: A referendum is initiated by the parliament or citizens A referendum can be either mandatory or consultative
Local citizens’ consultation 1994 Act on local self-government Initiated by the population or the municipal council Possibility to consult only part of the population
A changing democracy Weaknesses of the existing tools: Citizens’ disinterest Lack of public places for discussion Projects in perspective: A changing society The Civil Society Institute
W eaknesses of the existing tools Lack of historic model The citizens’ disinterestDecline of patriotism is caused byGenerational differences
Lack of public places for discussion Fear of conflict No physical places
Projects in perspective A changing society Small communes do have the potential to reach a high level of participative democracy Importance of protest campaigns are more and more recognised Citizens’groups are set up
The Civil Society Institute Founded in July 1994 The Civil Society Institute: Uniting the civil society First project in 2006