Proffessor Deyang Qu Mission Statement: Fundamental Electrochemical Research seeking new material, understanding reaction mechanism in the areas of renewable energy, sensor and water treatments. Applied Development Bridging academic research with industrial product innovation to develop new generation of products or improve current products. Current Research: Focuses on making stronger and more efficient batteries using metal air, fuel cells, supercapacitors, hydrogen storage materials, and alkaline batteries.
S.N.Ps S.N.P stands for Single Nucleotide Polymorphism For convenience, SNPs are called snips SNP refers to a change in a single nucleotide in a gene sequence from the original or initial Example: If the original sequence was A-T-C-G and your sequence is A-T-T-G then your gene sequence contains a SNP. The SNP is the second T , where C should be.
TAS2R38 Stands for Taste Receptor, type 2, member 38 TAS2R38 codes for tasting bitter PTC TAS2R38 has 3 SNPs but in our experiment we focused on the SNP GGCC to identify genotype TAS2R38 is normally GGGC People with a SNP can taste PTC, people w/o can not
HaeIII HaeIII is a restriction enzyme that cuts at restriction site GGCC This is important because that site is the same as the TAS2R38 SNP Whether the gene was cut or digested by HaeIII, would determine the whether a gene had an SNP or not Tested with gel electrophoresis The presence of SNP would determine genotype and so phenotype