World Traveler Welcome Card Country: Australia Facts: Australia is the smallest continent Australia is home to the largest coral reef, The Great Barrier Reef No part of Australia is more than 100 km from the ocean 23.1 million people live in Australia Although Australia is essentially an island, the majority of the country is desert Challenges: (select one challenge to complete from the list below): 1.The average speed of a kangaroo is 15 mph. How long would it take a kangaroo to hop around Ayer’s Rock (5.8 mi)? 2.Koala’s are the sub-national animal of New South Whales. What type of animal is a koala? World Traveler Welcome Card World Traveler Welcome Card World Traveler Welcome Card Country: India Facts: Algebra, Trigonometry, & Calculus originated in India India is home to the world’s largest mountain range, the Himalayas There are 22 different languages prevalent in India The concept of the number zero was created in India Henna is traditionally used in India to decorate young women’s hands as a part of celebrations Country: China Facts: Ice cream was invented in China around 2000BC China is the 4 th largest country in the world Red is considered a lucky color in China The Great Wall of China can be seen by the human eye from outer space The Four Greatest Chinese Inventions include paper, the compass, gun powder and printing. Country: Japan Facts: Japan is actually a series of small islands There are 3 types of characters in Japanese writing: Kanji, Hiragana, and Katakana. Japan has a total population of 127 million people Shoes are never worn inside a Japanese home There are 188 types of wild animals located throughout the Japanese islands Challenges: (select one challenge to complete from the list below): 1.Sumo is a Japanese sport. Open the Paper Sumo kit and follow the directions to create your own paper Sumo Wrestler. 2.A spice used to make curry, one of the most popular dishes among Japanese children, now has a new use: making plastic! Name 5 things in your home made of plastic. Challenges: (select one challenge to complete from the list below): 1.Find the Chinese Lunar Cycle card. Complete the task on this card. 2.Find the Tangram Puzzle card. Complete the task on this card. Challenges: (select one challenge to complete from the list below): 1.Use the hand outline to create a henna tattoo that incorporates your teammates’ favorite flowers. 2.Solve the following trigonometry problem: If the distance of a person from a tower is 100 m and the angle subtended by the top of the tower with the ground is 30 o, what is the height of the tower in meters?
Australia China
World Traveler Welcome Card Country: Russia Facts: Moscow has the world’s most used subway system Russia celebrates Christmas twice a year: December 25 th and January 7 th Russia covers 13% of the world Russia is located mostly on the continent of Asia but some of it is located on the European continent During the reign of Peter the Great, any man who chose to wear a beard had to pay a special bear tax Challenges: (select one challenge to complete from the list below): 1.Use the blank Matryoshka, Russian nesting dolls to design a set of 3 dolls. 2. Try your hand at a traditional Russian dance- Russian Nesting Dolls Matryoshka Carefully cut out on the outside black line. Fold smallest Matroyshka in half at the dotted line and glue shut. Do not glue any other of the Matroyshka dolls. Color and decorate all three Matroyshka pieces. When you are finished, fold the remaining 2 dolls in half at the dotted line and place the smallest inside the next in size and so on until all that is visible is the largest size. Now you have a paper Matroyshka doll. Russia
Paper Sumo Paper Sumo ~ Kamizumo 1. Fold the paper into neat triangles like the picture, and make two diagonal lines of creases. 2. Gather four corners to the center (the crossing of the two creases). 3. Repeat the same process again. 4. Looks like this after Flip it over and fold two sides at the dotted line towards the center line. When doing so, make sure that the two corners on the other side come out. 6. Fold the top corner at the dotted line. Again, the end on the other side sticks out. 7. Looks like this after 6 8. Flip it over and fold the bottom corner at the dotted line. 9. Fold at the dotted line and open it up so that you have a crease. 10. Do the same for the other side but this time keep it folded. 11. Fold it in half. 12. Pick the corner and re-fold at the dotted line to open up the bottom part. You have to be careful in making paper sumo because you have to fold - unfold - refold in many ways and many times, it's a bit hard to keep it neat. There's another fun in making paper sumo: you can make two wrestlers and enjoy a match between the two. All you have to do is to draw a circle (this becomes the ring) on a sheet of paper, stick it on an empty box (any box like an empty Kleenex box shall do), set the wrestlers inside the ring, and tap the edge/corners of the box with your fingers. Then the two paper wrestlers begin to move, and when one of them falls or goes out of the ring, the match is over.
World Traveler Chinese Lunar Cycle Card The Chinese year is based on the cycles of the moon. This is called a lunar schedule. Each year is represented by an animal. There are twelve animals which represent the twelve months. Task: Choose one player on your team to complete this task. This player will determine the birth years of all teammates. Using the chart on the back of this card, the player will find the corresponding animal for each birth year. The player must then act out each animal. If the team successfully names the correct animals the task is complete. TigerRabbitDragon SnakeHorseSheep MonkeyRoosterDog PigRatOx World Traveler Tangram Card Tangram is an ancient Chinese puzzle. This activity is sometimes called "seven pieces of cleverness.“ Task: Cut out the six tangram pieces from Tangram Card II. The object of the puzzle is to rearrange the pieces of a square (the puzzle pieces) to form figures (like a picture of a cat) using the tangram pieces. Your team must create 4 of the 6 figures on the back of this card. You have 1 minute to complete this task. kidtopswan catcandlerabbit
Tangram Pieces