ASI Review Padova ICC Contribution 1 WP3000 : Padova ICC Contribution Staff Alberto Franceschini (AF) [Professore Ordinario] Giulia Rodighiero (GR) [Ricercatore a Tempo Determinato – 100% ASI-funded] Mattia Vaccari (MV) [Assegnista di Ricerca – 20% ASI-funded] Gabriele Mainetti (GM) [Dottorando – 100% ASI-funded] WP Partecipazione all'ICC di PACS : fase di sviluppo WP Partecipazione all'ICC di PACS : fase operativa WP Partecipazione all'ICC di SPIRE : fase di sviluppo WP Partecipazione all'ICC di SPIRE : fase operativa
PACS : AOT & Simulator & Pipeline Testing (Rodighiero) Testing of Instrument Simulator and DP pipeline continued through -Use of simulated data cubes adopted as input for the Pipeline in Scan Mode -As Input Skies we adopted simulated extragalactic surveys -Participation to GT technical meetings to test various pipeline steps -Use of SOVT2 data as pipeline inputs -Identification of problems with the Simulator : presence of elongated sources in the final maps produced with PhotProject within the PACS Pipeline Data Processing Acceptance Test – Cycle 1 : GR is involved in the campaign for the validation of the HIPE interface. Features tested in special detail include SPIRE Spectrometer Pipeline Spectral Visualization Spectral Aritmethics During Science Operations, GR is expected to contribute to the execution of PEP (PACS GT KP) and exploit its synergies with HERMES (SPIRE GT KP), in particular as far as “parallel” PACS & SPIRE observations are concerned ASI ReviewPadova ICC Contribution2
ASI ReviewPadova ICC Contribution3 SPIRE : DP Development & Testing (Mainetti & Vaccari) Participation into & Support to Pipeline Software Integration & Testing –Development of Visualization Tools for Interactive Analysis of Raw and Reduced Data –Photometer & Spectrometer Pipeline Testing, including RAL & ESA Database Access Pipeline Screenshot from user testing of Map Making HIPE main window a “Large-Area Map” created from simulated data using MadMap and various ancillary windows are shown
ASI ReviewPadova ICC Contribution4 SPIRE : Detector Timeline Explorer (Mainetti & Vaccari) DTE was completed & integrated within SPIRE s/w and a User’s Manual has been produced to support fully-fledged still ongoing testing by SPIRE users Testing by SPIRE astronomers is currently ongoing (also within pipeline testing) and is being actively supported DTE can now be launched and extensively manipulated from JIDE & HIPE both via pull-down menu & command line
ASI ReviewPadova ICC Contribution5 SPIRE : DP CCB & UG Activities (Vaccari) MV represents SPIRE within the Herschel Data Processing (DP) Configuration Control Board (CCB) and Users Group (UG) and chairs the SPIRE DP UG –Assembling and coordinating DP feedback from SPIRE consortium members –Participating into DP CCB telecons and DP UG meetings –Supervising (Mentoring) DP development related to a number of WPs Reporting to the ICC about DP development issues and seeking consortium feedback Particular responsibility for the development of HCSS GUIs and Image Display & Analysis Software and for parts of the documentation Supporting Early Training Activities organized within SPIRE Consortium and towards the general community Planning for extension of Herschel DP UG to include KP astronomers Organizing and/or chairing focus groups on most sensitive user issues Preparing & integrating & testing presentations and scripts for ESA DP Workshops on behalf of both Herschel and SPIRE DP UG Prioritizing SxRs in anticipation of pre-launch Herschel DP s/w release