Hofstede Dimensions :
Culture Clash1: Eating habits Indian people eat in the right hand and they not placed hand that has been in the mouth back in the food, but American people it is ok to eat in the left hand. Indian people are supposed to eat with their right hands, because eating with the left hand is sometimes considered to be unclean.
Culture Clash2: Marriage In the movie Aisha got engaged when she was 4 years old. US people an individualism society where “I” is important(What about the USA?). Men and women have the right to choose whom they want to marry. However, Indian people a collective society where “We” is important (What about India?). Families or parents, as a group, they are the ones who choose a husband for their daughters.
Culture Clash3: Transportation the transportation in the India is very busy, while the transportation in the America is sophisticated and enough for everyone in Indian roads is the mixing of traffic. Same road is used by high speed cars, trucks, two wheelers, tractors, animal driven carts, cyclists and even by animals.
Culture Clash4: Parents American people are living separated from their family after puberty, on the other hand Indian people are living with their family. US is highly individualistic country comparing with India which is high collectivism. US people are only supposed to look after themselves and their direct family, but in India people belong to “in groups” that take care of them
Culture Clash5: The multiplicity of Gods in India There are so many gods in India are different in beliefs. Hindus are encouraged to relate to God in the way that suits them best, like worshipping many deities who are believed to be manifestations of God.
References Fuller K., Eating Habits in the Indian Culture: What about India? (n.d.). (The Hofstede Center) Retrieved October 8, 2015, from Geert Hofstede: What about the USA? (n.d.). (The Hofstede Center) Retrieved October 8, 2015, from Geert Hofstede: K.RAJA, 7 main problems faced by Road transport in India: faced-by-road-transport-in-india.html faced-by-road-transport-in-india.html Shastry, Why do Hindus have many gods?, 2014: