XCAST team report Yuji IMAI (WIDE Project) 1.Experimental Deployment Method for Router Supported ALM using PlanetLab draft-muramoto-irtf-sam-exp-testbed-00.txt 2.XCAST 2.0 overview IRTF SAM IETF IRTF SAM IETF
Topics of this report How to develop, make real-world experiments & deploy SAMs, smoothly? i.Our 1 st development & experiment trial using the way to boot SAMs up in end-to- end manner. based on VINI/PlanetLab platform ( ii.Update of XCAST6 protocol for smoother deployment. Append method to deploy SAM logic on the core router already in operation.
Difficulties of practical research of SAMs How to put SAM protocol mechanism on the running network? –Case: IP multicast Install and activate multicast logic with ”all” routers in the “whole” experimental network. But, some operators hesitate or hate to change router config. Tunnel between experimental networks to jump non-multicast network. That make situation complicated. –Case: P2P, ALM Install end-to-end style and quick & easy boot-up. Even after ALM cause bad effect for networks, operators could not optimize the traffic. Sometime ”just filtered-out”. We need the methods to start and deploy easily at booting-up phase. We also needs the methods to collaborate with existing network operators.
1.Experimental Deployment Method for Router Supported ALM using PlanetLab Way to boot SAMs up in end-to-end manner even when protocol need router assistance. Deploy SAM router logic using VINI/PlanetLab platform. –UML on Sliver: SAM routing engine to be deploy. –Orbit: Overlay topology configuration tool. –L2tp: gateway between SAM overlay and real-world draft-muramoto-irtf-sam-exp-testbed-00.txt
PL-VINI (SIGCOMM’06) [ Virtual Network Infrastructure over PlanetLab To allow slices to experiment with network layer without having to modify kernel Two components –UML (User Mode Linux) - private network interfaces for each VM –“Click” - packet forwarding engine Using openVPN for external link XORP (routing protocols) UML eth1eth3eth2eth0 Click Packet Forward Engine Control Data UmlSwitch element Tunnel table Filters PlanetLab VM
Deploying an SAM Overlay on PlanetLab Use UML as a VM –Enable kernel modification. –Utilize kernel routing table Tunneling packet by UDP tunneling L2TP enables outside user to join the overlay network UDP tunnels are configured through an automated script eth User Mode Linux ( UML ) + SAM logic patch eth0eth1 UDP Tunnel l2tpd forwarder PlanetLabVM eth2 UDP Tunnel eth3 UDP Tunnel SAM Demo software
SAM Orbit/PlanetLab and L2TP Access User Client Real Network SAM Overlay SAM L2TP access User Client can connect SAM Overlay through L2TP Connection L2TP Concentrator PlanetLab Slice Orbit Deploy SAM engine Make overlay connection
XCAST6 engine deployed world wide. (by Nobuo)
2.XCAST6-2.0 overview “Explicit Multicast (Xcast) Concepts and Options” is going to be Experimental RFC. –draft-ooms-xcast-basic-spec-13.txt –Previously titled “Explicit Multicast (Xcast) Basic Specification” –IESG Evaluation is finished on 10 th July and Approved-announcement to be sent. During long experiments and reviewing process, we find many points to be fixed. We are updating the spec and submit it as soon as “Concepts and Options” would become RFC.
Points related with SAM deployment Eliminate the mark of the XCAST6 datagram by the IPv6 hop-by-hop option header. –Router operators seriously hate IPv6 option header because they are processed by CPU not on the silicon logic of L3 engine of the network card. Sometimes they cause security accidents and become DDoS targets. Instead, the experimental DSCP value will be use. –Router can force to reroute XCAST6 datagram for specific interfaces for annex boxes by hardware implemented filter. –Annex boxes capture them, process XCAST6 logic and forward results back to router. –Minimize the impact for “routers in operation” and enable to append SAM(XCAST6) logic by additional appliance.
Current Status I-D is ready to submit. –Wait for issue of RFC “Concepts and Options” to avoid confusion. Based on new I-D, routing logic was implemented on several platform. –FreeBSD 6.2 –Linux X