Conoce un país: Get to know a country! Choose and research a Spanish-speaking country, create a display, and present it to the class. Include the following information in English: Population compared with the United States and TennesseePopulation compared with the United States and Tennessee Size (in square miles) compared with the United States and TennesseeSize (in square miles) compared with the United States and Tennessee Three major landforms, such as mountains, plains, and rivers, and their cardinal location within the countryThree major landforms, such as mountains, plains, and rivers, and their cardinal location within the country Capital and two other major cities (such as the most populated and/or commercial importance)Capital and two other major cities (such as the most populated and/or commercial importance) One cultural product, such as a sport, a food, a dance; one cultural practice, such as a holiday, a custom, a routine; and, one cultural perspective, such as values, beliefs, attitudes.One cultural product, such as a sport, a food, a dance; one cultural practice, such as a holiday, a custom, a routine; and, one cultural perspective, such as values, beliefs, attitudes. Cite your sources at the end of your presentation!
Display Options Be creative! –PowerPoint, Prezi, 3-D models on platform, poster, booklet, etc. –Ask me if you think of an idea you’re not sure of!
Visual Aids include a map with neighboring countriesinclude a map with neighboring countries include a graphic representation (infographic) of the sizes and populationsinclude a graphic representation (infographic) of the sizes and populations include at least two pictures of the landscapeinclude at least two pictures of the landscape
Grading Population comparisons Area comparisons Three landforms with location Capital and two cities Three cultural aspects Visuals (map, infographics, landscape) Total Points
When is it due? Friday, August 29 th