By Sharon Gustafson
Learn Through Listening: These learners like the spoken word. They may specialize in law or politics. 30 % of the population are Auditory learners.
Learn through Seeing: These learners picture the way things look in their heads. They need to see the teacher to understand the lesson. 65% of the population are visual learners.
Learn through Doing, Touching: These learners like to imitate and practice. They like to find out how things work. 5% of the population are Kinesthetic learners. They often like carpentry and hands-on lessons.
Special thanks to these resources: Vancouver Island Disability Assoc., Learning Styles & Multiple Intelligence, University of Illinois Extension, Helping Children Succeed in School, Mind Tools Bookstore, Helping You Think Your Way To an Excellent Life!, And last but not least: John, Andrew, Carol, and Marc.