Disrupting Hormones What hormones are involved in reproduction?
Testosterone GnRH from the Hypothalamus LH and FSH from the Anterior Pituitary LH and FSH cause production of Testosterone Testosterone causes sperm production and goes onto inhibit the beginning of GnRH pathway
Estrogen and Progestero ne GnRH from the Hypothalamus LH and FSH from the Anterior Pituitary LH causes progesterone and estrogen, relaxin and inhibin and OVULATION FSH causes follicle growth, inhibin and estrogen. Secondary sexual characteristics e.t.c Inhibin inhibits FSH, Progesterone inhibits GnRH and LH Moderate levels of estrogen inhibit GnRH, FSH and LH
Hormones and Behavior ( Testosterone – sexual motivation Sharp decline in Progesterone - maternal behavior Testosterone – aggressive behavior in conflict situations Estrogen – activating certain pathways in the brain SPECTRUM ’’How might hormones affect behavior? In terms of their behavior, one can think of humans and other animals conceptually as comprised of three interacting components: (1) input systems (sensory systems), (2) integrators (the central nervous system), and (3) output systems, or effectors (e.g., muscles). Hormones do not cause behavioral changes. Rather, hormones influence these three systems so that specific stimuli are more likely to elicit certain responses in the appropriate behavioral or social context. In other words, hormones change the probability that a particular behavior will be emitted in the appropriate situation (Nelson, 2011). ‘’ (
Ethics/ medicinal of hormone disruption