WHY KNIT? It’s a neat and enjoyable hobby Satisfaction in making it yourself with tangible results Helps with depression (comforting) Cool and easy way to create desired clothing styles.
FEATURES OF KNIT ME Shows you patterns and designs you can create Can save and bookmark patterns for later Shows you materials and where to get it from Fabric Land Gives a price, and a estimate on materials Mitten Pattern Jacket Pattern
WHAT TO KNIT? OUT of ideas? NO fear knit me is here! You can make: Scarves Mittens Sweater Hats Bag Other mysterious creations!
AVAILABLE TO…… WHO???? Beginners + intermediate knitters IPhone and Android phone users Tablet and other app device users
HOW THE APP WORKS Search bar Look for patterns Scan a pattern you found Post your patterns on the site! How to knit tutorials Basic knit stich Basic beginning items (scarf)
WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? Download the app, to get started! Christmas is coming up Make your love ones some handmade gifts made from love