Exploring the world of Fashion and how it is influenced by Body Image HNC 3CI – Mrs. Crowell
There is an ongoing debate between… Fashion designers who use real sized models vs. fashion designers who use ultra thin models. Why do you think the majority of fashion designers use thin models?
Impact on BOTH Men and Women The majority of designers select tall and thin models to wear and promote their clothing. Not only does this create an industry that demands unrealistic standards, it creates a powerful message about what it means to be beautiful.
Manorexia “A third of young men have suffered from 'manorexia' - either by purging or abusing drugs - because they hate their appearance” /A-young-men-suffered-manorexia-- purging-drugs.html
Manorexia V4E
Reverse Anorexia and Muscular Dysmorphia “Many Men Suffer from ‘Reverse Anorexia’”
Unbearable Lightness An honest and heart breaking account of her struggles with severe eating disorders (both anorexia and bulimia).
Unbearable Lightness
Are Times Changing?!?
Dove Campaign for Real Beauty You remember this commercial…right? What do you think…has the Dove campaign for real beauty made a difference? Do people see beauty in all shapes and sizes? How do we know?!?
Dove Campaign for Real Beauty Beauty Sketches
“How Bodies Got Real” – UK InStyle Read through a copy of the magazine article on your own. Jot down one discussion question to ask the rest of the class. Be prepared to share!
Thank you LADY GAGA!