Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) Fairfield Public Schools Elementary Presentation
Questions What is SBAC? Who is being tested? What is the schedule for testing? What are the access tools and accommodations available for students? What are we doing to prepare for SBAC?
Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium SBAC Aligned with Common Core Covers full range of college and career ready knowledge and skills Includes a variety of item types
What Elementary Students are Being Tested? Grade 3 ELA and Math ( March 17 th -March 27 th ) Grade 4 ELA and Math (March 30 th - April 10 th ) Grade 5 ELA and Math (April 20 th -May 1 st ) **Grade 5 Science CMT – March 10 th
What is a Computer Adaptive Test? O Based on student responses the computer program adjusts the difficulty of questions through the assessment O Advantages: O Provides accurate measurements of student growth over time O Item difficult is based on student response O Shorter test length O Turn around time is significantly reduced
SBAC Field Test Schedule Sample ( 2) English/ Language Arts sessions on computer (45 minutes each session- 90 minutes total) (1) English/Language Arts in –class activity in preparation for ELA performance task (30 minutes) (2) English/Language Arts performance tasks on computer (1 hour each session) MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAY 9:15-10:15 Language Arts on Computer 1 session (45 min) Regular schedule 9:15-10:00 all 4 th grade Language Arts in- class activity (30 min) Regular Schedule Regular schedule Regular schedule Recess/Lunch 11:00-11:40 Recess/Lunch 11:00-11:40 Recess/Lunch 11:00-11:40 Recess/Lunch 11:00-11:40 Recess/Lunch 11:00-11:40 12:30-1:45 Language Arts Performance Task On computer Session 1 (1 hr.) 12:30-1:45 Language Arts Performance Task On computer Session 2 (1 hr.) 2:00-3:00 Language Arts on Computer 2 nd session (45 min)
SBAC Field Test Schedule Sample ( 2) Math sessions on computer (45 minutes each- 90 minutes total) (1) Math in-class activity in preparation for math performance task (30 minutes) (1) Math performance tasks on computer (1 hour total) MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAY 9:15-10:15 Math on Computer 1st session (45 min) Regular schedule 9:15-10:00 all 4 th grade Math in-class activity (30 min) Regular Schedule Make up testing Regular schedule Regular schedule Recess/Lunch 11:00-11:40 Recess/Lunch 11:00-11:40 Recess/Lunch 11:00-11:40 Recess/Lunch 11:00-11:40 Recess/Lunch 11:00-11:40 12:30-1:45 Math Performance Task On computer Session 1 (1 hr.) 2:00-3:00 Math on Computer 2 nd session (45 min)
Preparing for SBAC Technology readiness Staff familiar with various components of online testing Students familiar with online tools Continuing to implement our curriculum Reflection from last year Field Test
Accessibility Tools & Accommodations
Response Type for SBAC MC with one correct response MC with multiple correct responses Two part MC Matching tables Yes/No or true/false tables Fill-in tables Select or order test or graphics Complex drag and drop Graphing Equation or numeric response Short text Long essay
Taking the Training Test All students will receive a mini-lesson on universal tools All students will take the Training Test for both ELA and Math