My top ten By Lawrence white
My favorite musician My favorite musician is Stevie wonder.he inspires me because he he is a great singer and there is a lot of people that like him.
My favorite food. I love pizza because the cheese is so good,and I also like the sauce.I think that plane pizza so good because all of the other things that are on pizza like pork are bad for you.
My favorite sports I like football because it is good for you and it is good exercise. I think that football is one of the best sports ever,I want to play for the Penn state.I just love the smell of field.
My favorite holiday I like Christmas because it is so fun and every Christmas is the world to me. I think that Christmas is all about being together with my family.
My favorite television show The suit life of zack and Cody is an interesting television show.I like it because of the acting inside of the series.
My favorite celebrity Will smith is a great actor because it takes a lot of practice to become very famous. He played in tremendous movies that I could name.
I love blue that’s my favorite color because the sky is blue and the it so is a lot of other things.I know a lot of people that like blue.
My favorite athlete Tiger woods is an very talented man he been playing golf for a long time and he is very good at it. Some day when I get older I want to be as good as him.
My favorite game Madden 09 is a very fun game I play it every time I am board. Some day when I get older I am going to be just like the people on the game.
My favorite hobby I like fishing because it is fun and I get to keep the fish when I catch them. I remember when I caught 11 fish I a row.
And that’s my top 10