March 7 Learning target: I can describe how energy is transported by waves Vocabulary: 1. Inverse square law 2. Wave fronts 3. Plane waves Quick Review quiz before lunch Quick notes to Might throw in standing wave lab Review Partner problems-see next slide-review of section 1 problems Homework: Read wave packet, highlight important points and write any notes be prepared for an overview concept quiz for the chapter. Do worksheet with problems sets from book
Quiz March 11 The natural frequency of an object is called? Water wave and waves on a rope are examples of______________ A continuous and oscillating disturbance is called ____________________ The highest point of a wave is the _________ The lowest point of a wave is called___________ 1.Resonant frequency 2.Mechanical 3.Periodic or continous wave 4.Crest_ 5.The trough
Standing wave small-effort small-effort
Problem partner Review of section 1 problems You will receive a new card partner You and your partner will receive one problem from the book to work together on. You will work on this together, you may check with me for the answer and solution once you have an answer You will then have a second partner and will teach each other the problem that you and the first partner solved.
Card partners