Makayla, Ant, Courtney, and Darelys
Scientist can capture the Cane Toad by different method like cage, net, or any other idea. They will need to kill or unconscious the Cane toad to get their poison out of the cane toad, so they can make them not poisonous. That way they can use the poison against the cane toad by adding some type of chemical that can go against the cane toad and can kill them off, so they can go back to regular unpopulated species. By using the poison people can find a cure for the cane toad poison. If someone does end up poison they can try finding cure for those people. Neutralizing the poison there is less risk of native species to die, because cane toads kill most native species by their poison. So this will help keep native species alive, if they can help neutralize the poison the cane toad have. If you try killing them they’ll become endanger and extinct in years
Another idea is to disrupt their breeding cycle. Scientists are already trying to do this. To do this they need to get a cane toad female and take away their eggs, but that would take to much work, because this species is overpopulated, and there is probably a thousand or more female cane toad out there. So another way is you can trick them. Grab a cane toad and use their pheromone to attract other cane toad to come to them. You can put them in cages, net, or other way to capture the cane toad species. They’ll be attracted come and get capture. The female or male will think it is one of them and come to breed. This species are horrible creature, but if you do kill them, they will become endanger species. If this happen we need to find a way to populated them again before they become extinct.
You can use their favorite food to trick them. But try to find a food that they eat, but others don’t really eat. The last thing we want is to capture the wrong creature. By doing this method it will take years and years of research, because you need to observe the cane toad and other species around the area to see what they eat that others don’t eat. Put the bait inside a net or a cage, and wait for them to come. But there is a catch to this you need to be really patient to do this, because if you aren’t this plan will fail. You’ll capture the species and try putting them in a local zoo or something like that. I really strongly go against killing all of them because they’ll become endanger and extinct in years.
This method I strongly won’t use too much, because they can drop numbers as quickly as they populated in the first place. Anyways another idea is grab their natural predators and get them to kill the cane toad species. Try grabbing a species that doesn’t eat the native species. But this method really shouldn’t be use to much, because think about, not only will this species die out, but they predator will reproduce and sooner overpopulate. Isn’t the whole point is to try to stop that. So by killing one overpopulated species you be giving the other species opportunely to reproduce. Sooner or later this predator will adapt to the land and adapt to eat the native species and we really won’t be helping any more. Cause the more they adapt the more they become immune to everything around their new environment.